Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the feminine ideal.

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Staff member
At least according to Gasbandit.

She's got meat. She's got curves. She's got big'uns. She's got red hair. She's hot as hell.

Those who disagree with me... well, they also doubt Tom Nuttall's velocipede. And we know what people who doubt Tom Nuttall's velocipede do. By choice.


At least according to Gasbandit.

She's got meat. She's got curves. She's got big'uns. She's got red hair. She's hot as hell.

Those who disagree with me... well, they also doubt Tom Nuttall's velocipede. And we know what people who doubt Tom Nuttall's velocipede do. By choice.
As a chick I think it's nice to see a woman on a magazine with actual curves......I'm just not a fan of her boobs being so big.....But I agree she's very Gorgeous. I prefer men but can admit a nice looking woman when I see one .


Staff member
Gorgeous, yes.

But... in all honesty, there's such a thing as too much boobage. Or at least clothes that are too tight in that area or push said eye-attractors too far up.
Ditto on the "too much boobage" front, but still. GodDAMN. Especially those eyes (I'm a sucker for eyes; you should see the girl I'm dating :p). Boobs look a little unrealistically big, I gotta admit.
Oh man, I didn't realize saffron had so much boobage... did she get work done on them?

Still.. yeah.. good taste, Gas, that's one sexy lady. Not Scarlett, maybe, but up there.


>>too much boobage.

you...are not men. I'd hit that like the fist of an angry god.
Over all, I'd rate her highly as a complete package. Just in some candid shots of her, her face looks a little off. I can't quite put my finger on it...
Well her face isn't quite up to a 10 like the rest of her, but i doubt anyone would complain...

But she needs to stop squeezing her boobs like in some of those pictures... makes them look fake...

Now that that's out of the way... i'll be in my bunk.
with the title "the ideal"... there is room for some criticism.

That being said, I would not kick her out of bed.

Unless she said she liked it better on the floor.


Staff member
She's also in this show called Mad Men, its pretty great you should watch

oh fuck it just jerk off to her TIG OL BIDDIES
Perhaps the hottest thing about Christina Hendricks is that she is secure enough to tell critics of her figure to sit on it.

and to borrow a line from Gasbandit

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