It smells like an Irish Spring!

preferred method of hygiene?

  • Man: Liquid body soap

    Votes: 11 35.5%
  • Man: Bar soap all the way

    Votes: 16 51.6%
  • Woman: Liquid

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Woman: Bar

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • I do it like a caveman and shower only when it rains

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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For a few years now I've been using various different Axe body washes because my Ex liked the smell and I just got into the habit. So the other day I was shopping and needed to buy soap. And feeling like a cheapskate I reached for my old Irish Spring bar soap instead of the Axe.

This morning I walk into my bathroom and it smells like an Irish Spring. It's pleasant. At this moment I think I may never go back to a liquid body soap again. But now I've gotten all ponderous and decided to gather data from the community at large. Poll above is a two parter, what you men use and what you women prefer.

Also, obligitory old spice commercial because I laugh my ass off whenever I watch it.

I was just watching a video where the guys who made this video talked about how it was made.

The only computer effect in the whole scene is the oyster/diamonds/old spice bit from the guys hand. Everything else is totally physically real, including the transition to the horse.
Somehow I'm not too sure if I should tell a LittleSin-imitating awakener of the dead about my grooming habits :p
That's the second time I've been given grief about my avatar. For F*ck alls sake I've used a Cthulu avatar off and on for the 7-8 years I've been a member of this community under different names and on all it's different forums.



Staff member
Somehow I'm not too sure if I should tell a LittleSin-imitating awakener of the dead about my grooming habits :p
That's the second time I've been given grief about my avatar. For F*ck alls sake I've used a Cthulu avatar off and on for the 7-8 years I've been a member of this community under different names and on all it's different forums.


Easy there, TN, I meant it as a joke.

Here, have a virgin to nibble on.

Occasional Poster

I currently use a liquid body soap, the very cheap kind. I have used bar soaps and I might start to use them again, I really don't have a preference.

god that video is awesome
It's very cool, and effective as well. I have never seen an Old Spice-bottle nor have I any idea what it smells like, but now I kind of want it.


Staff member
Bar, Lever 2000, always. I'll get body wash for Christmas a lot, and I use them occasionally, but I feel cleanest when I use plain soap and a wash cloth. I find that too much body wash/spray just makes people smell weird and kind of overpowering. If I wanna smell like something else, I use lotion--either citrus, peppermint, or lavender.


I hate bar, it makes me feel dry, and maybe its cause I was using a shittier brand of bar. But currently I use that dove for men, it seems to work out pretty well.

Occasional Poster

I currently use a liquid body soap, the very cheap kind. I have used bar soaps and I might start to use them again, I really don't have a preference.

god that video is awesome
It's very cool, and effective as well. I have never seen an Old Spice-bottle nor have I any idea what it smells like, but now I kind of want it.
*youtube video with Bruce Campbell*[/QUOTE]

And now I really want it, but it does not seem to be sold in Sweden. So I guess I'll have to stay curious unless I decide to import it, and it would take more than awesome advertisement for me to import soap/deodorant...

...I think. :hmmm:

Wasabi Poptart

I have skin allergies, so I usually get non-soap cleansers/body washes or else I look like a leper.


Somehow I'm not too sure if I should tell a LittleSin-imitating awakener of the dead about my grooming habits :p
That's the second time I've been given grief about my avatar. For F*ck alls sake I've used a Cthulu avatar off and on for the 7-8 years I've been a member of this community under different names and on all it's different forums.


(oh, now I get it.)

What the hell, are you a six year old or something? Who cares?? Fuck what the fatties and the pansy science bitches say. The bearer of the visage of the Old Ones does not EVER whine.

Bar soap.
Somehow I'm not too sure if I should tell a LittleSin-imitating awakener of the dead about my grooming habits :p
That's the second time I've been given grief about my avatar. For F*ck alls sake I've used a Cthulu avatar off and on for the 7-8 years I've been a member of this community under different names and on all it's different forums.


(oh, now I get it.)

What the hell, are you a six year old or something? Who cares?? Fuck what the fatties and the pansy science bitches say. The bearer of the visage of the Old Ones does not EVER whine.

Bar soap.[/QUOTE]

Your words ring true. I have no excuse other than perhaps that over time people began to like me and I grew soft and complacent.

Nay! I shall not make excuse!



Staff member
Come then, O long-term resident of R'lyeh. Let us spar wits and disturbing mental images, and see who shits his tentacles first.


Staff member
Ten bloody virgin hearts say's it's not you, Chunk o' Beard
Oh, I dunno...

Having played storytelling RP for the better part of a decade with a lovely young lady who considers being double-stuffed by two twenty-foot tall demons from the deepest stygian pits of the Nine Hells "as a good start" has lent me some capability to both withstand and imagine things that would make normal men cry for momma.


Staff member

Well, you can't please 'em all. Guess I'll just have to call my friend and ask him to join me in a debate whether or not Stalin ate babies. In front of the maternity ward.


see, debating it is exactly the nerdy thing to do. If you were all sick and twisted, you'd be reenacting it. in costume. With real babies. Sorry, but after 4chan, Shego, and countless other internet sick jobs, it just aint cutting it to "debate" things, Nerdlinger.

Kitty Sinatra

I use Ivory bar soap mainly, but also use body wash. So I'm not answering this poll because there's no both option.

I also happen to spend the extra cash on a clinical strength aerosol deodorant. Just because.

And I often use cologne. A different one each time.
They were actually handing small Old Spice stick deodorant samples on campus a while ago, it's what I've been using for the past month, and I'm liking it. I'll probably buy it once I'm done with the samples.
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