The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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I hate shaving. It's annoying, it's messy... And when I try to trim, it comes out a mess, necessitating another shave. I wish I could just get it to the right length and freeze the growth there, like Wolverine... he has that power, right? Always seemed like he did.

I am so with you on this.
I am 90% sure Spaniards don't know how to make a sandwich. Sorry, tegid. I tried. I really did. We bought baguette, tomato, used olive oil, the whole bit, but that's just not good enough. The 10% of doubt comes from Pans & Company which was actually quite good.

The fuet though? Really good.


Staff member
My girlfriend cancelled the date. Apparently she'd forgotten her sisters and the nieces and nephews were comin' to visit today. So the lunch was off.

Now I've got a vat of strawberry rahka all to myself. If I were Bridget Jones, I'd were a pair of fluffy pajamas and watch sad movies while devouring that. Luckily I'm not (call me silly, but somehow the idea of Renee Zellweger making jokes about huge underpants ain't my thing). So I'll just watch Clerks II and eat some now. I'll have the rest tomorrow.


My girlfriend cancelled the date. Apparently she'd forgotten her sisters and the nieces and nephews were comin' to visit today. So the lunch was off.

Now I've got a vat of strawberry rahka all to myself. If I were Bridget Jones, I'd were a pair of fluffy pajamas and watch sad movies while devouring that. Luckily I'm not (call me silly, but somehow the idea of Renee Zellweger making jokes about huge underpants ain't my thing). So I'll just watch Clerks II and eat some now. I'll have the rest tomorrow.
The underpants thing is like in the movie for maybe three minutes total. The fact that you focused in on that might mean it IS your thing.

oh and my actual rant, for my job as a campground attendant I have to sell people their park stickers. These stickers go on the windshield on the passenger side. I also scrape off the old sticker or stickers as the case sometimes is. I have discovered that if I say to the passenger "Ill have to have you get out so I can get in and scrape of the stickers" if it is a woman passenger she will open the door and exit the vehicle. If it is a man he will tell me to sit on his lap.

Oh you man who just told me to sit on your lap. you so funny now gtfo of the car so i can scrape these damn stickers!!!


Staff member
There's a difference, though. I generally like sci-fi movies. Romantic comedies? Not so much. Films with Renee Zellweger? Even less. Romantic comedies with Renee Zellweger? Well... you do the math ^^


I wasn't picking on him.
Unless responding to someone's post counts as picking on them.. in which case I guess I picked on him and am now picking on you.

I don't think so though.
...or maybe because it was in the frickin' trailers and TV commercials ;)
Ewoks were in the Star Wars trailers.... does that mean Star Wars is just about Ewoks.. Think about this.[/QUOTE]

He referenced something from the movie, didn't say it was the focus of it.

And you're totally picking on him. You accused him of fluffy sad movie-watching.

And now I'm picking on you! And the next person will pick on me. It's an endless, horrifying cycle.


No all I did was point out that he was being down on a movie for something that was hardly a part of the movie. Like hating Star Wars because it has ewoks or London because you dont like horses.

Now not liking the movie because of the main actress in it is different because she is pretty much the whole movie.


My girlfriend cancelled the date. Apparently she'd forgotten her sisters and the nieces and nephews were comin' to visit today. So the lunch was off.

Now I've got a vat of strawberry rahka all to myself. If I were Bridget Jones, I'd were a pair of fluffy pajamas and watch sad movies while devouring that. Luckily I'm not (call me silly, but somehow the idea of Renee Zellweger making jokes about huge underpants ain't my thing). So I'll just watch Clerks II and eat some now. I'll have the rest tomorrow.

I like how you undermine Bridget Jones for doing something and then sit down and do the same thing (except you were probably naked). :-D
No all I did was point out that he was being down on a movie for something that was hardly a part of the movie. Like hating Star Wars because it has ewoks or London because you dont like horses.

Now not liking the movie because of the main actress in it is different because she is pretty much the whole movie.

I think NR's saying he's never watched it, and the reason he's referencing that scene is because it is a scene he knows because it was in the trailers.

If someone had never seen Star Wars, but had seen the trailer for Return of the Jedi, yeah, they probably would make fun of Ewoks. Ewoks are ridiculous when you think about it.


If someone said they wouldnt watch star wars because they saw ewoks in the trailer and ewoks are silly.... how is that not just the saddest thing?


Man, it seems like everyone picks on N_R. I don't get it.

Because more and more, I tend to see NR as a big phony. That guy that pretends to be a nice fellow, but he's an asshole under it all. We assholes can sniff our our own.

Element 117

Some days I pine for the mythical olde west that never was, so that I could ride around shooting people and be the saviour of the little town that neverr meant harm to know one.


Staff member
Man, it seems like everyone picks on N_R. I don't get it.

Because more and more, I tend to see NR as a big phony. That guy that pretends to be a nice fellow, but he's an asshole under it all. We assholes can sniff our our own.[/QUOTE]

He is a nice guy. But there's something about you & him that doesn't go well together. Yes, he's an asshole to YOU but that's because he's a-speakin' yer language.


Yeah I like north ranger. I think he is a nice guy all around and I hope to someday party on his completely legitimate yacht. There isn't anything assholish about him.


Staff member
Heh, didn't mean this to turn into a support thread. Thanks nonetheless ;)

The underpants thing... well, that was just me trying to make a funny in the middle of the night. Hope you didn't take offence, makare1. It was either that or the playboy bunny bit.

Chazwozel said:
I like how you undermine Bridget Jones for doing something and then sit down and do the same thing (except you were probably naked). :-D
Clerks II trumps sappy romantic films, ol' boy. Also, not gonna comment on the nudity. Being part of your mental porn drawer ain't my thing either :p

makare1 said:
Yeah I like north ranger. I think he is a nice guy all around and I hope to someday party on his completely legitimate yacht. There isn't anything assholish about him.
You're a swell gal yaself :)


Heh, didn't mean this to turn into a support thread. Thanks nonetheless ;)

The underpants thing... well, that was just me trying to make a funny in the middle of the night. Hope you didn't take offence, makare1. It was either that or the playboy bunny bit.
Nah I didn't take offense. What's the playboy bunny thing? The vicar party?


Staff member
Heh, didn't mean this to turn into a support thread. Thanks nonetheless ;)

The underpants thing... well, that was just me trying to make a funny in the middle of the night. Hope you didn't take offence, makare1. It was either that or the playboy bunny bit.
Nah I didn't take offense. What's the playboy bunny thing? The vicar party?[/QUOTE]

I dunno. I haven't seen the film, remember? ;)

Element 117

Really hate when people invite me to a triple triad game and then cancel, or take forever to move.

Philosopher B.

I'd give mine to stop sleeping, like, all the time. Seriously, I have things to do that require wakefulness.

Wasabi Poptart

Now I can't stop picturing NR in the pink bunny suit from A Christmas Story. *facepalm*
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