The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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You know that guy? That one guy who never seems to do anything but complain? Even his ''good news'' somehow gets turned into rants. He stays quiet otherwise, only piping up when he has something ''horrible'' to whine about. And everybody's like ''oh hey it's that guy again, come on guys let's go this way instead''. But he keeps complaining. And complaining. And complaining. You get the point.

Don't be that guy, guy. You've been called out on it, why do you not stop? Nobody's listening to you anyway.

P.S. this is NOT directed at anybody on here. It is, in fact, directed at that guy who is part of another forum I frequent. I just felt the need to rant.


Heh, didn't mean this to turn into a support thread. Thanks nonetheless ;)

The underpants thing... well, that was just me trying to make a funny in the middle of the night. Hope you didn't take offence, makare1. It was either that or the playboy bunny bit.
Nah I didn't take offense. What's the playboy bunny thing? The vicar party?[/QUOTE]

I dunno. I haven't seen the film, remember? ;)[/QUOTE]

Yeah well I hate rom coms as a general rule and I dont really care for Zellweger. But I love the Bridget Jones movies. They are really cute.
There was a time when I wanted to have new stuff. A new computer, a new video game /console, a new car, new clothes, etc. Now the only thing I want, the only thing I need, is free time.


Staff member
Whew, that'll do it. Good luck to you!

---------- Post added at 05:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ----------

I don't really feel unhappy about this... maybe a bit guilty or something, I don't know. But every now and then I float out of my own body and realize how callous I must seem to people sometimes--at least people with whom I'm working. While I'm here writing down stuff after talking on the phone, my coworkers will try and make small talk, and it just annoys me. Internally I'm thinking, "oh great, more talk about the weather or how tired/hungry you are or what we're doing this weekend" even though I'm outwardly pleasant.

I think a lot about what made me this way, and really, I got nothin'. It's not how I was raised, for sure. My parents are both very friendly, although they do like their space as well I guess. Generally I like people and enjoy being polite. It makes me feel bad when I get impatient just because someone's reaching out and being nice.


Im pissed off at how political memorial day is. Really!? Come on. I am not surprised but I couldn't be more depressed.
Today was pretty bad. It was very hot, Mom's out of Zoloft, Dad's been fighting a urinary infection all weekend so he was pretty much useless, and basically I was putting out emotional fires all day. Every little thing has been setting her off. I got stung by wasps as I was putting in her tomato plants, and when I said as much, she starting snapping, saying "Fine, just throw the rest of them away if you don't want to help. I don't care!" and so on. Nothing unusual really, but it was just all day. And now she's gone to bed, and I hear her yelling at my father, asking him how he plans to support himself after she leaves, telling him that he's good for nothing, etc.

If I had the criminal contacts, I'd probably be willing to commit felonies to get us out of this fucking foreclosure.
I live in Florida. Today being memorial day, it's one of the rare times I actually get a weekday off, and had planned on staying home and enjoying the free time.

There's a reason I mentioned living in Florida. Today was the hottest day of the year so far. It was just goddamn sweltering. And today is the day my air conditioner decided to break down. I also learned that none of the local AC repairmen are willing to come out on a holiday.

Fuuuuuuuuuu- *bursts into flames*
Baaah! All the weather channels have been forecasting a huge rainstorm that was supposed to hit. They said some areas could expect up to 3 inches of rain and to expect possible flooding near rivers and streams. Well the storm is here and so far it has been really pathetic. It is more of a shower than rain.


Those damned 'Avatar Yourself' ads that keep popping up at the top of the page.

Seeing a Na'vi-fied version of Heath Ledger's Joker is... deeply unsettling.


Staff member
Ghaaaaaaggggghhhh... God, I know my parents are just doing what they think is best for me, but sometimes I just grow freakin' tired of them.

Case in point: I've been sending dozens of work applications these past few months, and have my first proper job interview comin' up next week. Because teacher positions are hard to get these days, I started working days as a telemarketer - which, paired up with hectic rehearse schedule at the Medieval Market, means that most days I don't get home until 9pm or 10pm. I'm looking forward to the interview, but at the same time my parents keep asking me if I've checked this website or if I've contacted this academic recruitment office. I love that they're keeping a weather eye out, but at times it just feels like they - especially dear old dad - are expecting me to forego sleep in favour of browsing the 'net for contacts.

Maybe this is just my own father issues: the man's a freakin' workaholic, do-it-yourself nightmare - and he loves to show off how he can do anything and everything better than everybody else. Including his own sons. And I know I'm ranting about them giving a helping hand; sometimes it just feels like that helping hand is holding a choke leash...


Staff member
^I totally understand the feeling of having parents who support and "help" you to death. It's probably better than them not giving a shit, but it also makes you feel smothered and useless sometimes.


Staff member
^I totally understand the feeling of having parents who support and "help" you to death. It's probably better than them not giving a shit, but it also makes you feel smothered and useless sometimes.
EXACTLY! I felt exactly like that when I called mom with good news today. I was feeling glad I had gotten the interview, but the first minutes of the call went by with her telling me that I should start looking at some employment program for newly-graduated people and asking if I had already sent the application to one very promising institution. I just felt my good feeling being sapped away, like she was telling me I had not worked hard enough and fast enough to get a job by myself. Whoop-de-fuckin'-doo.
^I totally understand the feeling of having parents who support and "help" you to death. It's probably better than them not giving a shit, but it also makes you feel smothered and useless sometimes.
EXACTLY! I felt exactly like that when I called mom with good news today. I was feeling glad I had gotten the interview, but the first minutes of the call went by with her telling me that I should start looking at some employment program for newly-graduated people and asking if I had already sent the application to one very promising institution. I just felt my good feeling being sapped away, like she was telling me I had not worked hard enough and fast enough to get a job by myself. Whoop-de-fuckin'-doo.[/QUOTE]

Oh, man, I hate that feeling. It's like tasting the milk in your cereal turn sour.


Staff member

Element 117

Kick his ass, NR. Then take him out for a steak dinner.
I don't know how you were raised, but hereabouts it's considered bad form to start a fight with a sixty-three-year-old.[/QUOTE]

If he think's he's better than you at everything, this is the easiest way to disabuse him of that notion. You could just slap him really really hard.

Element 117



Im worried about my sister. Today's the anniversary of the death of that family friend of ours. He would have been 16 just a few days ago. It's hard on all of us but really hard on Gina. Also, she just told me she and her girlfriend broke up. Apparently some of her coworkers told her girlfriend that she has been cheating on her when she hasn't been. I don't know this girlfriend very well and there are things about her I dont care for, she is an excon, she is considerably older than my sister and she doesn't really seem to be reformed from her criminal life. I liked the fact that she doesnt do drugs and she encouraged Gina to stay clean. I really liked that about her. I'm sorry my sister is going through so much stuff and I worry that to deal she will turn to drugs. It is so hard to get her to talk about things. She isn't like me. She doesn't have much in the way of self confidence and she never wants to share her feelings. It's frustrating to me getting her to open up.

I guess Ill just do what I can and hope for the best.
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