The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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Staff member
When my hair started going curly in my teens, I hated it with a vengeance. I had always had nice straight hair that was easily manageable, and now I had to tangle with a mess of hair that keeps turning into a cloud of dirty blonde locks that look like my noggin had been assaulted by a pair of catnip-tweaked out ocelots.

Same thing when I realized my beard didn't match my hair, growing rusty red while I kept my blondery.

I've learned to accept those both, and have found adequate countermeasures to keep them both within acceptable limits.
I was in the car with my mom yesterday telling her about that little girl I saw. She laughed. Then I said at least my freckles haven't shown up yet this summer even though I am in the sun all the time. She got really quiet. I said, "have they!?". She replied, "what are you gonna do?"

Hate the sun with every fiber of my being and resent not having an office job. Bastard sun.

My freckles are mostly just a wash of them over my nose. I don't have many body freckles which is good because if I did I would never wear a swimsuit ever, and I would possibly crawl into a hole and die.
Have we seen any pictures of you and your freckles? I bet it's not that bad! Or even bad at all!

Element 117

We have not seen pictures of her ever. Which is why it's more entertaining to imagine her as a Cuban Luchador with a badly burned face.


No one has ever said anything negative about my freckles. I just don't like them. Although people have commented on how they make me look younger than I am.

Also I only get them when I am in the sun so my dedication to avoiding the sun has helped. But this year I work outside. blech.
Now I'm really tempted to post a picture of Frankenstein from the Roger Corman classic, Death Race 2000...
You are all crazy! Or maybe you don't have freckles?
I've noticed that women with small breasts usually want bigger ones, and women with huge breasts often want smaller ones. Maybe freckles is a similar phenomenon.[/QUOTE]

I guess maybe that is true. But I have never met anyone in my life who wished he or she had freckles. Before ten people on here say they do, fine Im just saying that in my personal in person life I have not met anyone like that.[/QUOTE]

I don't think freckles would look good on me... I don't like much how they look on men, especially if particularly round faced.[/QUOTE]

Oh, thank you :mad:
You are not particularly round faced... Your freckles don't look bad on you, right now because you have dark hair (and a dark beard). When you have no beard, I don't think they look bad, but not particularly good either. They just are there.
Man, it is becoming difficult to procure prohibited weapons now. I know this is a good thing, but God damn it, I want all the WW2 era guns I can get my hands on.

I can believe the C96 pistol being prohibited, it being fully automatic and all, but it's fucking bullshit that Lugers are too.

Element 117

We have not seen pictures of her ever. Which is why it's more entertaining to imagine her as a Cuban Luchador with a badly burned face.
Makare isn't the only person who's particularly shy about showing their face around here.[/QUOTE]

Ive posted my picture here. in recent history, in multiple threads. we've never seen a pic of makare. EVER.
We have not seen pictures of her ever. Which is why it's more entertaining to imagine her as a Cuban Luchador with a badly burned face.
Makare isn't the only person who's particularly shy about showing their face around here.[/QUOTE]

Ive posted my picture here. in recent history, in multiple threads. we've never seen a pic of makare. EVER.[/QUOTE]

True. But it's not always about you ;)

Though, I do remember a time when you were very loathe to post your picture at all.[/QUOTE]

Can you blame her?

Philosopher B.

I would like to go on record as saying that freckles are effing sexy.

Element 117

We have not seen pictures of her ever. Which is why it's more entertaining to imagine her as a Cuban Luchador with a badly burned face.
Makare isn't the only person who's particularly shy about showing their face around here.[/QUOTE]

Ive posted my picture here. in recent history, in multiple threads. we've never seen a pic of makare. EVER.[/QUOTE]

True. But it's not always about you ;)

Though, I do remember a time when you were very loathe to post your picture at all.[/QUOTE]

Can you blame her?[/QUOTE]

Didn't say that I did. Just pointing out that makare is hardly alone in her lack of picture-sharing, since there seemed to be a bit of conversational focus on it.[/QUOTE]

Really wish you'd get to the point you're making in the first post, saying what you intend to say instead of replying "didn't say I did" posts. Brevity is golden.
I couldn't take the early train to Paris! Bah. Now I must arrive late >.< Erg. Oh well hopefully I can find things to late in Paris, but it seems such a mellow town.
So my firefox somehow broke and wouldnt render flash objects, used a nifty little tool called FEBE to back up all my prefs and things, uninstall and reinstall firefox......only thing was I forgot to check the bookmark checkbox so I lost all my boomarks. Need a strong whisky right about now...
My work is having an internal audit of some of our processes. So tomorrow they are having someone come on out to watch /make an inspection of us while we ( in other words me) perform the process. Now I know how to do the process but it is still a bit nerve wracking to know that some person is going to be scrutinizing my every move just waiting for me to slip up. Maybe I am just psyching myself out but I am very nervous at this moment. :(
So, back on topic:
The install to Android 2.1 on my phone went so easily. BUT, the Sprint version of Android 2.1 doesn't have the nifty features that I WANTED in 2.1: Live wallpapers, more desktops (5 instead of 3), a nifty desktop navigation tool. Other than some slightly updated graphics, and a more slightly better marketplace experience, there was no real reason to upgrade.
You should check out Launcher Pro, it'll give you up to 7 desktops. I've been using it for a while, and I really like it.

Element 117

We have not seen pictures of her ever. Which is why it's more entertaining to imagine her as a Cuban Luchador with a badly burned face.
Makare isn't the only person who's particularly shy about showing their face around here.[/QUOTE]

Ive posted my picture here. in recent history, in multiple threads. we've never seen a pic of makare. EVER.[/QUOTE]

True. But it's not always about you ;)

Though, I do remember a time when you were very loathe to post your picture at all.[/QUOTE]

Can you blame her?[/QUOTE]

Didn't say that I did. Just pointing out that makare is hardly alone in her lack of picture-sharing, since there seemed to be a bit of conversational focus on it.[/QUOTE]

Really wish you'd get to the point you're making in the first post, saying what you intend to say instead of replying "didn't say I did" posts. Brevity is golden.
the only point I was trying to make was in my first post. You seemed to be taking a special interest in Makare's lack of picture-posting, and I was simply making the aside that she's hardly alone in that regard. Anything you may read 'between the lines' there is your own invention.

.... fuck you, English language.

Element 117

Glad to see you're still the same person, and haven't changed. I still find it odd that it's wasn't all about me, yet you replied in that specific fashion, apparently to me. Keep playing the game, I'm pretty sure our credibility (and tolerance of each other) is pretty damn mutual.

Element 117

That right there is the kind of comment that inspires one to clean her mind with plenty of alcohol. Excuse me.
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