The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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are people being serious in here again?

my rant:
programs and games are now squeezed in with applications, or apps. i do not like (most) apps except the food kind.
I hate it when my girlfriend disappears into nowhere when we're chatting on skype. Sigh.

I mean, she always has a reasonable explanation, and I can't stay mad at her, but it does get frustrating.
Today has been very interesting so far. I got into work today only to find my badge was not working. So I went to security and they informed me that the network was down and that they could not fix my badge at the moment. Luckily they still let me inside but I had to have a coworker follow me around in order to badge be through any door I needed access to. But since the network was down we couldn't get any work done anyways. I decided to head to the cafe for breakfast only to realize that since the network was down they were only taking cash and I did not have any cash on me. So me and my coworkers sat around chatting for a hour and a half until they finally got the network back up. So after they got the network back up I went to security to get my badge working. So after they finally get my badge working I head down to my desk and finally get a chance to sit down and log on. So here it is 10:00 a.m. and I just now got to sign on. And to top it off we are still having an internal audit of our processes done this afternoon. And since I am the only one who knows how to properly do the process I have will be the one who has to perform the entire process in front of the inspector. So now I am two hours late on my work for the day and in just a few hours I will be having someone watch my every move waiting to see if I mess up.
Motherfuckmotherfuckow ow ow...... tweaked my back something SERIOUS.... think I may have torn a muscle. Every move is an exquisite concoction of pain, shortness of breath, and starry vision. Fucking OW!
So I did finally get a job (which I posted in a different thread) but the crappy part is when I went to make my very last unemployment claim (Sunday) it appears that I started an unemployment claim in May of last year (and had since had a job and been laid off) was the one it was going off of so my claim had expired and so for the last two weeks I haven't been getting my unemployment benifits so I can't cover all my bills. My mom spotted me the 400ish dollars I need to make bills till I start getting a regular paycheck but I have to pay her back and now that I probably won't be getting that 750 from unemployment it's going to be fun to figure out how to do that. oh joy of joys and I've been on hold for 20 minutes with the unemployment office waiting for someone to pick up the phone so I can try to fix all of this

---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:44 PM ----------

Well the UI office fixed it I just have to wait for it to take affect in their system (up to 24 hours)
People at work are generally really grumpy these days so no one will talk to each other.

It's been lonely as fuck.
After a kickass weekend visiting my cousin and her husband in Hoboken and absolutely tearing up Manhattan, I seem to have gotten sick. Sinus headache, runny nose, sore throat, and now a 100ish degree fever. After two days of telling my bosses that I should be "back in tomorrow," I do not look forward to calling out for the rest of the week tomorrow morning. :sick:
Been having stomach pains the last two and a half weeks. I thought it was a change of diet that caused it, but now I realize it's both of us living here for the exact same period of time, and our diets are totally different aside from milk, water, canned veggies, and frozen fruit. I have no idea what could be causing this unless there's something bad in the water supply.
It's really weird not seeing Gwyn so much anymore. When a crowd of us were walking back to the vehicles about ten minutes away from the coffee shop we finally settled on, we started to chat a little. She said she was worried about us, and was glad that we were 'good.' I told her simply that I'm still not sure we are, and let her know that I'm in that 'Fake it until you make it' spot. Unfortunately we were unable to finish our chat, but she sort of indicated that we could continue the conversation another time.

And then my father calls me tonight. I am still wrestling with the fact that he will likely never get me. I mean, probably 60-70% of me he gets, because we are similar in those ways. We are both rather cerebral and (if I might be so bold as to say it) intellectual. We can talk about things and debate and disagree and it's still a good time. But then when I go off on a nice day and jump into a pond with all my clothes on, he spends five minutes telling how childish a thing that is, and how irresponsible I'm being. I laughed at him when he started because I sincerely thought he was joking. When I sort of started to talk to him about it more seriously, though, he had to hang up saying that he couldn't talk about it right now.

Now that I think about it, maybe it didn't help me any to suggest that we could probably chat about it after he removes the stick from his rectum. But dammit, it needed to be said.
I'd like people that jerked me...... never mind. I'm not gonna make that joke, not now. NO! BAD TURBO, BAD!

*clears throat*

I hope Jet doesn't even notice the surgery, LS.


Staff member
I hate the word "schadenfreude". No. The word itself is fine. I hate the viral nature of it. 3 years ago, no one knew this word. Then somebody used it on the internet, and now it seems to be the hallmark of a haughty post.
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