The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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My dad's surgery went fine, but he's having trouble recovering from the anesthesia. He can't take a deep breath - this was a concern they had in advance, so it's not unexpected. They're keeping him overnight to hopefully let him recover.

I'm at work. The only member of the staff on shift tonight. I won't be able to get out to see him before visiting hours are closed.

The public patrons we get are being extra aggravating tonight, and are more unpleasant than usual - we usually don't get them with jack o'lantern teeth, stank breath, AND body odor. Another one smells like the restroom at a Red Lobster and appears to be letting his clothes biodegrade while he's wearing them.

I feel like tonight I really could snap someone's head clean off.
Cheesy the other day I saw a guy who looked like you and it made me miss you! I'm sorry about your trubbles but I'm happy to see you posting again!
Thanks guys. I've just been feeling emo lately, I get that way every so often. I know things will get better, it's just hard to see the light sometimes.


There was a big storm tonight at the campground I work at. So my coworker and I had to go around to individual campsites and tell them about the storm. The interesting thing was meeting two sets of deaf campers and trying to communicate the concept of "big ass storm". I think I was successful. The annoying thing was I was standing outside in the rain trying to talk to these people and some of them are so chatty, especially guys. These guys were all blah blahing while I was soaking wet. And then they were asking me if I wanted to hang out. No I dont. I want to stop talking to you, get this job done and go home. Lol.
Met up for dinner with a friend and her new boyfriend tonight. He asks what I do, and I tell him I teach history. He immediately launches into a rant about how he hates history and doesn't know why people study it. He also decides that "all history classes suck." I explain my thoughts in a calm manner, and explain some of the things I do in my class (you know, stuff that doesn't "suck"). He responds with more confrontational comments, such as "We can never really know how anything happened. How are people supposed to trust you, how am I supposed to believe anything I see? A journal entry could be faked, and it probably is." He finishes by telling me it's all so subjective, it's a waste of time, and that my kids probably hate me. I politely disagreed, and his girlfriend (my friend for 15 years) jumps in to get him to calm down.

He seems like an okay guy for the rest of the night, but I don't understand why I was put on trial by a stranger for 5 minutes about my chosen profession. I've never seen or heard of someone going off like this. I'm guessing he had a history class in high school he really hated, but that's not my fault. Ass.
Sounds like an ass.
I think he thought he was being witty, but he came off like a prick. He tried to explain it all away later by telling me that he's an engineer, so he wants things to be certain and not subjective. Or something like that. Whatever, I was just a little pissed at the whole thing... especially since I had just met the guy.
"We can never really know how anything happened. How are people supposed to trust you, how am I supposed to believe anything I see? A journal entry could be faked, and it probably is."
Because we can go to Auschwitz and see the gas chambers. We can visit the Great Pyramids in Egypt. You can see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. We have the evidence of all this stuff happening. People wrote it down as it occurred. You'd think an engineer would trust in common sense. He's an ass.
I think he was threatened by you. He sounds insecure, and the 'big ape' type to puff out his chest and roar and beat his breast with his fists to scare off all other potential mates from his woman. heh.


edit: minor rant...i bought the 'bold posts' option in the market, and I didn't know it would make EVERY post of mine bold.. hah
I think he was threatened by you. He sounds insecure, and the 'big ape' type to puff out his chest and roar and beat his breast with his fists to scare off all other potential mates from his woman. heh.


edit: minor rant...i bought the 'bold posts' option in the market, and I didn't know it would make EVERY post of mine bold.. hah
It fits the "big ape" talk though. :p
Sounds like an ass.
I think he thought he was being witty, but he came off like a prick. He tried to explain it all away later by telling me that he's an engineer, so he wants things to be certain and not subjective. Or something like that. Whatever, I was just a little pissed at the whole thing... especially since I had just met the guy.[/QUOTE]

He's an engineer and also an ass.
I've mostly gotten over this girl, but now, in the final hours of a night shift whilst trying to grab a quick nap so that I won't be so exhausted for my hike later on this afternoon, all that my brain can do is cook up scenarios where we get back together.
I've mostly gotten over this girl, but now, in the final hours of a night shift whilst trying to grab a quick nap so that I won't be so exhausted for my hike later on this afternoon, all that my brain can do is cook up scenarios where we get back together.
When I got dumped it took me a long time to get over my ex. I imagined every scenario where her and I got back together or worked things out or where I beat up the guy she left me fore etc. None of it helped though. Every pipe dream I had just ended up hurting my recovery time.

There is something that I learned though, during my recovery time from my relationship. I learned, that I'm still so very young.

Now that might not seem like any kind of complex realization to come to, but it really put things in perspective for me. I'll admit that part of this being such an epiphany to me is because my parents married really young so for a lot of my life I thought that that's just what people do. Little did i know that my parents are very much the exception and not the rule. Maybe this also applies to you, and maybe this is just a digression on my part, but my next point certainly does apply to you as it does to me.

I'm young. I'm only 23 (will be 24 in August 1st, you're all invited) and I've still probably got one or two or even 3 serious relationships to go through before I find a girl who would want to actually settle down with me and be "the one" and even then still have a 50% chance of wanting to split later. Maybe this doesn't help much, but for me it does. I know that I'll find someone else and hopefully she'll be "the one" but even if she's not there'll be yet another.

And I don't mean this as a write off really. I'm not trying to say that there are other fish in the sea or that I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one but that you have time to solve your problem or to go fishing or however you want to think about it. Enjoy your youth because we're not going to have it again.

But what do I know? I'm drunk and watching the A-team of hulu.
I've mostly gotten over this girl, but now, in the final hours of a night shift whilst trying to grab a quick nap so that I won't be so exhausted for my hike later on this afternoon, all that my brain can do is cook up scenarios where we get back together.
Everyone's different, so maybe this won't be the case for you, and if not, awesome.

But while the initial hit of hurt passes shortly, it can take a while to get over someone, and the longer you're with them, the longer it can take. I say this not to dampen your hopes of a speedy recovery, but just so you know not to beat yourself up over it if you still have thoughts like that now and then months down the road.
At the risk of sounding obnoxious, have you checked for a choke, a primer pump, or something else that needs to be engaged before it'll work?
Yeah, I wish it was something obvious I overlooked. But I think it has something to do with the gas and oil dripping from the muffler every time I pull the crank. The internets says it's probably a bad needle valve and o-ring. Argh. Sure glad I paid extra for that Honda reliability!
At the risk of sounding obnoxious, have you checked for a choke, a primer pump, or something else that needs to be engaged before it'll work?
Yeah, I wish it was something obvious I overlooked. But I think it has something to do with the gas and oil dripping from the muffler every time I pull the crank. The internets says it's probably a bad needle valve and o-ring. Argh. Sure glad I paid extra for that Honda reliability![/QUOTE]

"The mechanic said I'd blown a seal. I said 'fix the damned thing, and leave my private life out of it.'"
The version of that joke I heard:

So this penguin's driving through the city, when steam starts pouring from the hood of his car. She manages to limp it to an auto shop, where the mechanic tells her it'll be an hour before he has time to look at it. The penguin gets sick of waiting after a while and wobbles on down to the corner store, where she tucks into the freezer and starts eating a half-gallon carton of vanilla ice cream, just going to town on it. She finishes, and feeling much refreshed, pays at the register before heading back to the auto shop. The mechanic looks up from beneath the hood of the penguin's car and says, "Well, looks like you blew a seal." The penguin blushes and says, "No, it's just ice cream."
The quote's actually from a song called "Wet Dream" by Kip Adotta. It's filled with puns like that...

---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

And I'm sorrry, AmE.....
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