Ode to a Lost Beard

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I've NEVER had just a mustache... it's like the only facial hair style I've never tried... I don't know, I think you need an epic Tom Selleck-like one for it not to look ridiculous....

I might still try it soon, though.... hmmm
Quick, someone photoshop my pictures in this thread to show how I'd look with a mustache to see if I'm one of the 2% than can pull it off! pleaseeeeeee?


Staff member

Ok in the OFF CHANCE that it looks good I will concede this argument.... but it won't.
This is why I need the photoshop skills that I sorely lack... to see if my mustache would be of the good or bad kind.
Every so many months (maybe 6-10) I shave everything off my face to sort of 'reset' my beard. The next time I do it, I have resolved to shave it down to a mustache and wear it for a week, whether it looks good or bad.

I just want to say I've done it. You have no idea how much mileage I've gotten out of the fact that I once (long, long ago) sported a mullet. People hear this and they think "Wow, that guy doesn't play by the rules! He lives!"*

* - They might not actually think this.
CG, it's useless, let him go ahead and make himself less sexy if he wants to... u_u

There's a place in hell for people like him.
Rob, if you really lived and didn't play by the rules, instead of going :(, you would have gone "Pfft, whatever." and then you would have hopped on your motorcycle and picked up a chainsmoking woman who is out of the job and has trouble spelling.[/QUOTE]

Alas, it was a false image, and my confidence is now shattered. My self-esteem is, after all, 87% based on the opinion of Mexicans.


Staff member
See, this is why I didn't want him to do it. Men are hypnotized by their mustaches and end up thinking they look better than they do. Sigh* No more sex for poor Fernando. Not even from that one desperate chick sipping a Cosmo in the corner of the bar...
Calleja, you need to grow a beard and take a picture of your face with it, facing to the camera, nothing fancy. Then shave and take the exact same pictures. Then you can very easily check any facial hair style you want with very little skills! Even crazy things! I'll even do it for you if you want.
Can't the pic of the day of my tattoo that's on the first page of this thread work as the beard pic? I'm not at full beard levels yet, more like... half beard.
For a beardless pic, I'm going to use your 'sad' picture from this thread unless you gimme something better!

I'll soon be posting the results, but hear me: what you need to do if you want to try any weird style is: grow a full beard, then shave what parts are not needed. Keep the weird style for a full day (important! It might grow on you), upload some pics and, if you don't like it, shave it off.


Staff member
CG, it's useless, let him go ahead and make himself less sexy if he wants to... u_u

There's a place in hell for people like him.
Let him do it and then make fun of him for being ugly. You know, like he did for you and your red hair?
Rob, if you really lived and didn't play by the rules, instead of going :(, you would have gone "Pfft, whatever." and then you would have hopped on your motorcycle and picked up a chainsmoking woman who is out of the job and has trouble spelling.[/QUOTE]

Alas, it was a false image, and my confidence is now shattered. My self-esteem is, after all, 87% based on the opinion of Mexicans.[/QUOTE]

If it'll make you feel better, she kisses like a jackhammer.

Wasabi Poptart

My dad has always had a mustache. He was trimming it one morning, forgot that he changed the setting on the clippers, and shaved half of it right off. He looked so weird without a mustache. It's one of maybe 3 times in 30+ years that I have seen him with a naked lip.
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