oh John, dear, dear John. Really??

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I don't know if that's fair though. I mean, at this point, working with Boll is like working with Ed Wood. You know it's not going to be good. You're hoping for bad enough to be legendary.
Maybe ditching that glorified welder means she won't have to do an absolutely terrible movie to follow up her oscar, though.
The bike guy who married the Speed chick and then boned that nazi tattoo chick.

Seriously, try and keep up Mex.


Her Oscar acceptance speech was the best. But I mean, she's willing to work with Keanu Reeves more than once (Lake house) so props for that.
Mangler served her ice cream once (he was part time at Amy's, which is apparently THE place for ice cream in Austin, TX) and said she seemed very nice. I like quite a few of her movies.

Also, she had the class to show up for her Razzie right before going to get her Oscar, so that shows she can laugh at herself, and give a definitive and elegant Fuck You at the same time.
I've said it before:

Sandra Bullock is the worst, overrated actress of our time. She needs to stop pretending she's Julia Roberts and keep pretending like she's not the Uwe Boll of Female Actresses.
Wow. That's like saying "Shia LeBeuff can act. Denzel Washington just shrugs and scoffs at everything".

Seriously. Just wow.
Well, I disagree. I don't want to argue about it, I just disagree. I like a lot more of her movies than I do Julia Roberts' body of work.


Staff member
I've never been able to get really excited about either one. I've enjoyed movies that they both were in, but not so much that I gush about it.
I've never been able to get really excited about either one. I've enjoyed movies that they both were in, but not so much that I gush about it.
Pretty much this. They're not terrible or anything, I just don't look forward to movies they do since most times it's something I don't think I'll be interested in seeing.
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