This is not a thread of importance

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Instead, I proffer "That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two maidservants and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. After he had sent them across the stream, he sent over all his possessions. So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, 'Let me go, for it is daybreak.' But Jacob replied, 'I will not let you go unless you bless me.' The man asked him, 'What is your name?' 'Jacob,' he answered. Then the man said, 'Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome.'


The Disparagement Thread

Let me know, Crone, when you're taking your annual forum hiatus.


The Disparagement Thread

Let me know, Crone, when you're taking your annual forum hiatus.
I was reading this thread, and when you posted in it, I came. I came like a girl cheating on her boyfriend with the big boobed PE teacher in the girls changing room at the prom, while her boyfriend wandered the halls. I came, chaz, because you came. You entered the thread, and you posted in it. Because you couldn't resist it. You and I buddy, we're meant to be together. You complete me. Tell me again, old friend, what it means for your throbbing electronic ego penis when you reach out and drum your large soft fingers on the keyboard and lay down another attention whore badge? You like that rush, don't you? That little thrill, like power sex, where you're in control and everyone's watching you smack down old Crone, the crazy pyschonutbag you were put on this earth to stamp out like a cockroach? I love that feeling, chaz. When I put out the effort to get your attention, you never ever fail me. I love that you came, and that you couldn't resist posting.

Tell me again, when you ignore me, okay?


---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ----------

This thread sends me mixed signals.
What are you, a fucking Simulsat? You don't need to know what signals this thread is sending. All you need to know is that this thread finds you a great disappointment. You are, of course, not surprised.
The Disparagement Thread

Let me know, Crone, when you're taking your annual forum hiatus.
I was reading this thread, and when you posted in it, I came. I came like a girl cheating on her boyfriend with the big boobed PE teacher in the girls changing room at the prom, while her boyfriend wandered the halls. I came, chaz, because you came. You entered the thread, and you posted in it. Because you couldn't resist it. You and I buddy, we're meant to be together. You complete me. Tell me again, old friend, what it means for your throbbing electronic ego penis when you reach out and drum your large soft fingers on the keyboard and lay down another attention whore badge? You like that rush, don't you? That little thrill, like power sex, where you're in control and everyone's watching you smack down old Crone, the crazy pyschonutbag you were put on this earth to stamp out like a cockroach? I love that feeling, chaz. When I put out the effort to get your attention, you never ever fail me. I love that you came, and that you couldn't resist posting.

Tell me again, when you ignore me, okay?


---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ----------

This thread sends me mixed signals.
What are you, a fucking Simulsat? You don't need to know what signals this thread is sending. All you need to know is that this thread finds you a great disappointment. You are, of course, not surprised.[/QUOTE]
My gastric juices gurgle in embarrassment, despite being unsurprised.


The Disparagement Thread

Let me know, Crone, when you're taking your annual forum hiatus.
I was reading this thread, and when you posted in it, I came. I came like a girl cheating on her boyfriend with the big boobed PE teacher in the girls changing room at the prom, while her boyfriend wandered the halls. I came, chaz, because you came. You entered the thread, and you posted in it. Because you couldn't resist it. You and I buddy, we're meant to be together. You complete me. Tell me again, old friend, what it means for your throbbing electronic ego penis when you reach out and drum your large soft fingers on the keyboard and lay down another attention whore badge? You like that rush, don't you? That little thrill, like power sex, where you're in control and everyone's watching you smack down old Crone, the crazy pyschonutbag you were put on this earth to stamp out like a cockroach? I love that feeling, chaz. When I put out the effort to get your attention, you never ever fail me. I love that you came, and that you couldn't resist posting.

Tell me again, when you ignore me, okay?


What the fuck are you smoking? You're an idiot. Plain and simple.


The Disparagement Thread

Those are going to be some horrifying children.


The Disparagement Thread

I'm confused.
Alas, I can only disparage you your [STRIKE]swell[/STRIKE] lovely genetics and your sexual preference. Also, I have the sneaking suspicion that, I'd hate to see you upset/irritated with me, because you're a nice person. Unlike say, Krisken.


Staff member
The Disparagement Thread

I'm confused.
Alas, I can only disparage you your [STRIKE]swell[/STRIKE] lovely genetics and your sexual preference. Also, I have the sneaking suspicion that, I'd hate to see you upset/irritated with me, because you're a nice person. Unlike say, Krisken.[/QUOTE]

I can be nasty sometimes. I'm sorry I'm straight, Crone. :( I was born that way.


The Disparagement Thread

What the fuck are you smoking? You're an idiot. Plain and simple.
Such skill, such finesse, such verve and mighty intellect held in such tight restraint to communicate the barest acknowledgement of my existence as irritation. You are the swarthy rotund Pai Mei to my schizoidal Shaolin Temple. Again the reaction, tiger quick and turtle complexity. You are a Zen master of nothing but the urge to react, like a bull in the cage to the scent of the shit covered fly buzzing by. If you show me such unrivaled attention I may never leave.


The Disparagement Thread

I'm confused.
Alas, I can only disparage you your [STRIKE]swell[/STRIKE] lovely genetics and your sexual preference. Also, I have the sneaking suspicion that, I'd hate to see you upset/irritated with me, because you're a nice person. Unlike say, Krisken.[/QUOTE]

I can be nasty sometimes. I'm sorry I'm straight, Crone. :( I was born that way.[/QUOTE]

T'is not the purpose of the sea to be sorry for its majesty, nor should you be, for even more precious are you than the frothing sea, for you are unique in all the world, and long after you are gone, the sea will remain, adrift in grieving memories of you,

---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ----------

/me disparages everyone.
I hate your Swiss efficiency. But I do love the way you move.


Staff member
The Disparagement Thread

Aw, gee. Words like that should be saved for super-fine ladies, not drunken broads with double chins.
The Disparagement Thread

Awww... *pat pat* Disparage not yourself, Ceej. 'Tis not the purpose of this thread, I think.

If compliments are thrust upon you, a little girlish modesty is fine, but protest not that which is offered honestly.


The Disparagement Thread

I like a good disparaging. It makes me feel loved.
The Disparagement Thread

I'm confused.
Alas, I can only disparage you your [STRIKE]swell[/STRIKE] lovely genetics and your sexual preference. Also, I have the sneaking suspicion that, I'd hate to see you upset/irritated with me, because you're a nice person. Unlike say, Krisken.[/QUOTE]

I can be nasty sometimes. I'm sorry I'm straight, Crone. :( I was born that way.[/QUOTE]
I believe you made the choice to be straight! And it offends my deity! (It is fan of Queer Eye, to an irrational extreme.)


Staff member
The Disparagement Thread

Awww... *pat pat* Disparage not yourself, Ceej. 'Tis not the purpose of this thread, I think.

If compliments are thrust upon you, a little girlish modesty is fine, but protest not that which is offered honestly.
Ah geeeeeeeeeeeeez. *>.<*
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