Krisken Appreciation Thread

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Hey man..

just so you don't feel left out..

It's.. LUPUS!



Nope he is my little olive and I don't share.. However I do bite so stay back!

Now that that is out of the way...

Awww! I find you all to be mighty fine peeps as well! I never know what to say in these instances.

@ Charon- I plan to have a scratch built Nurgle Plague Tower primed by this weekend. It's... lets just say it's pretty cool.
@ Cajungal- You'll always be one of my favorite posters.
@ Cheesy- I still love that can!
@ makare- Now what have I told you about sharing :D
@ everyone- Thanks. You really put a grin on my face.
I wish Krisken and I lived close enough to drink beers on the porch together. Preferably closer to my neck of the woods so I could introduce him to one of these babies:


*shoots cajungal with a tranq dart then runs away with Krisken to the moors of scotland*



Hehe Krisken... I was tempted to make "Lupus" as an alt, but I decided on this thread instead. =D Have a great night all!
Oh my god, not another appreciation thread. How dare any of you like each other. It is shameful and slutty, observing these forum pole dancers, foaming at the mouth as their fingers caress their keyboards in sweaty, internet-driven lust. And then you chase after them like drunken puppies, with your whorish digits, typing away about how much you love them. And then you laugh about it, perhaps out loud, although you might just be smiling or not even showing any physical sign of amusement, but you tell everyone you're laughing out loud anyway because you crave acceptance.

Appreciation threads. Nothing but a wretched hive of scum and villainy! Nothing but the red light district of a forum! Nothing but an orgy of self-fulfilling fluff!

You all make me sick.

Appreciation threads. Bah humbug!

EDIT: Wait, this is the type like another forumite thread, right?
Not yet... although when I was still in the Corps, I had a group of older ladies at Applebees try and get my to fetch my blues for a dance for 'em...
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