Random Contest Time!!

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Staff member
Okay, because I have something brewing in the background that I don't want to announce yet, I'm going to have an additional contest that is separate from the normal monthly contests. Please don't ask what it's for yet, I'll be making an announcement in a couple of weeks when I set up the May contest.

This contest will go until the end of the May contest or until I see something that is perfect, whichever comes first. WINNER MUST BE WILLING TO USE THEIR REAL NAMES!!!

The prize will be the same as the May contest winner's, plus a little extra but I can't say what that is yet and we can discuss it. The reasons will be obvious once we talk it over. Sorry so cryptic, but that's the way it has to be for a bit.

The contest:

Halforumize a classical painting. It can be Whistler's Mother with the :Leyla: face or stuff like that. The painting (or photoshop) can NOT have a picture of an actual person unless you have their permission and that permission is sent to me BY THEM in a PM.

The picture can be in any format but don't make it too big, please. If you are interested but don't want to do this without more knowledge, send me a PM and I'll tell you a little more. But please note that you will be under an honor code not to say anything yet.


Staff member
Okay, I can't stand it. I have to say what's going on.

At the end of the May contest I'm going to be putting together a bunch of entries from past contests and making them into a book using www.lulu.com. This includes the October Twitter contest, the April Twitter contest and the May haiku contest as well as a few of the short stories written for one of the past contests.

This random contest is basically going to be designing the front cover, which is why I need the artist to not care about his/her real name being used.

In addition, I need someone to make a few sketches for the inside. If it's the same person who does the front cover then we're golden because any profits from the book will NOT go to me but to the illustrator! It won't be very much, probably, but we'll work on where they will go, what the book will cost and how much profit.

So there it is. I couldn't keep it a secret any longer because I want people to actually think about it. I will be posting the short story entries to the book shortly and the authors can decide how they want to be credited - forum handle or real name. I'm probably going to just use handles for the Twitter & haiku entries, but will let you choose for the short story ones.


Staff member
Can you change the name from Watchmen to something else? As we're really going to be paying money for these I have to really watch myself.


Staff member
I can resize as I have no idea whether this is going to be landscape or portrait. Also, dimensions will depend on # pages, etc. I won't know any of this until I see how many entries I'm putting in, what kind of setup I'm doing, etc.

There are FAQs on the Lulu page but they have been only marginally helpful. I'm waiting to get approved to post in their forums, but it's taking forever.
I have zero photoshop skills, but what I think would be funny is a photoshop of "The Last Supper" by Da Vinci with the heads replaced by familiar forum avatar heads for the mods/admins/popular posters. With :Leyla: as the head for Jesus, of course.


Staff member
That would be cool and I'm kinda leaning towards landscape because it fits the Twitter thing better.


This seems like an awesome idea! Will there be other ways to contribute aside from the contests?

As for inside skecthes,have you thought of having a simple original art contest? Original Art thread?

*creative fires bruning.


Staff member
This is why I wanted to get a single person to contribute as illustrator. If I do that then I can set the payments or whatever the books make in revenue to go directly to that person. If someone wants to have a picture or two in they are certainly welcome to submit pictures and either get credited as their real name or forum handle, but I'm only going to set up 1 person as main illustrator so that i can pay them. It's only fair that they get paid for their sketches, yes? And I wouldn't be able to do that for everyone.
I have zero photoshop skills, but what I think would be funny is a photoshop of "The Last Supper" by Da Vinci with the heads replaced by familiar forum avatar heads for the mods/admins/popular posters. With :Leyla: as the head for Jesus, of course.
Ask and you shall yadda yadda


Element 117

Tempting..... I'd enter if I could forgo the prize/ real name bit. alas.


Where do we get the full-resolution :Leyla: picture? 'cause I've got an idea.
I've always liked the winged Nike. That might be a good one to deface....by adding a face?

Only done with skillz


We all know that this is what Botticelli intended when he set out to create the portrait of the goddess of love. Unfortunately, he had not yet gazed on its beauteous visage.

I have zero photoshop skills, but what I think would be funny is a photoshop of "The Last Supper" by Da Vinci with the heads replaced by familiar forum avatar heads for the mods/admins/popular posters. With :Leyla: as the head for Jesus, of course.
Ask and you shall yadda yadda


Dave should be Jesus and the :Leyla: should be hovering above with light coming from it or something.


Staff member
Tempting..... I'd enter if I could forgo the prize/ real name bit. alas.
As long as you don't care that we attribute it to Xiaofang Nuren. I just figured whomever did it would want their real name as the person who designed the cover of a book, small market though it might be.

Element 117

Tempting..... I'd enter if I could forgo the prize/ real name bit. alas.
As long as you don't care that we attribute it to Xiaofang Nuren. I just figured whomever did it would want their real name as the person who designed the cover of a book, small market though it might be.[/QUOTE]

Shit just got serious yo.

Element 117

The original is 8x11 at 300dpi. I imagine it can be done landscape easily
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