Single Again.

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It does, but Texas is a country in itself, anywhere you go in it, is exactly like the place you came from. There's almost no diversity from border to border. To not have experienced other parts of the country at LEAST leaves one very "worldly" dense.

I recentely found out my new girl was in the military for a couple years so she did some real traveling.
heh. It takes at least couple of hours depending where you are to get OUT of Texas ;)
Look, when my wife is under me moaning and asking me to F-word her harder I consider that a good thing, also, shego I still need that video tape back
My dick gets hard for shego, and I don't even have one! Well, it's really tiny. Not like I can snort meth off it, like I do when I hang out with Chyna.
SuperKing would probably just stick a finger up his ass and blow raspberries into the air the whole time saying "herp derp lol" for hours. So yeah, in bed, sure.

Philosopher B.

Well ... think less water cannons, more hilarious taste in movies. Like A Tale of Two Kitties.
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