Single Again.

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This fucking week has been drama, drama, drama.

She's acting like I'm at fault for all the shit that's happening to her when she's the one who made the decision to leave. Fuck I don't even know where to begin:

We had two cars, one belonged to my brother, the other one was mine. My brother told me before the "final descision" was made, that if she decided to make our split "final" that he wanted his car back. So I tell her that and she flips out. Yet miraculously, she finds a new car to "borrow" within a week.

Second: I asked her how soon she could move out of the house, as the majority of the things in the house were mine and the house is rented under my name, as well as all the bills. I tell her that due to the time constraints of the rental (need to be turned in by the 28th) and that I still need time to pack up the rest of the house and move it 4hrs away, a week is pretty much all I could afford to give her. She flips out again. Blaming me for not having enough time to get it taken care of, she claims she has nowhere to go and doesn't know where she can even take her things. Yet miraculously, within a week, she suddenly has a place to take everything, including the larger furniture.

Third: When splitting up the belongings, the first thing I tell her I'm not giving up is the bed (it's a water tube foam bed, the only one I've ever been able to sleep on and not have back problems) she fights me at first, then insists on taking the big computer desk, the big HDTV, the $600 couch and the oak dining table. What do I get to keep? The water bed, the guest room bed, my little computer desk, and a piece of shit entertainment center ($100 from Wal-Mart, posterboard thing).

Fourth: We had many talks about why she was leaving and if it was still salvageable. My mind said "Don't argue this, you know damn well you've wanted out of this relationship for a long time, it's finally happening, don't stop it now" and my emotions said "Fight for her, she can still find it in her heart to try again if you just convince her!" So I battled with myself and lost to my emotions. I tried to get her to stay but all she could keep saying is that even though I've changed alot (for the better) in the last 7 months, she can't see anything but the person I was for the last 6 years. She doesn't have it in her to gamble on me anymore and the only person she can trust not to let her down is herself.

Yeah the Shego cried...... I don't know why. I mean, I've been MUCH happier without her around (while I was at my brother's) my life is going to improve by leaps and bounds being single again, and most of all "new girl" is really coming around to me and we're really hitting it off. So why cry? Well I guess it was just my emotions for her finally dying out because everyday that she's been around (I'm staying here while she's still packing things, even coming into the bedroom though she's sleeping in the living room at night) I no longer feel yearning for her, I just want her to leave. Everytime we talk, it almost reaches a fight, things get heated and I find myself the one who calms down first and tells her to "deal with it". I'm really over her, and I really wish this nonsense was over.

Today she finishes packing up the last of her misc items around the house, moves most of it into the living room. Tomarrow first thing in the morning her family is coming with a truck to help her take it wherever it is she's going (she's not staying with family, they live 4hrs away). As much as I REALLY DON'T want to be here for it, I have a feeling that if I'm not around to guard "what's left to me", she or her family might take it. So I'm either going to have to sit in my room with the door locked all day while they move stuff, or do the civil thing and say hello and possibly help. Ugh Ugh Ugh. I want to kill and maim more now than I ever have, maybe I'll see if anyone is gullible enough on craigslist to meet me in an abandonded warehouse....
I can't even remember when the last time I did was. I know it was probably in my early teens. I'm 28 (29 next month) so it's been a while.
And the fun is yet to come. She'll be here in about an hour or so, to get the last remnants out of my room. I have got to maintain my composure and help her move some of the heavier stuff. Then tomarrow I get to figure out how to deal with her family showing up for the entirity of the day.
I do not envy you, Shego. I'm sorry you gotta go through this, but at least it will be for the better overall, even as it sucks-sucks-sucks while it's happening.
My brother offered to come stay with me while this is going on, but I'm not sure his presence would help or hinder this so I decided to go it alone. It's just the rest of tonight and tomarrow anyway.
I come here for talk of lesbian orgies and all I get is relationship talk... I don't know whether to be disappointed or relieved.

But seriously, breakups suck hardcore, especially after you put so much work into trying to make it work.
Apparantly not enough work....

*sigh* I'm feeling so freakin numb right now, the only smiles I get are from "new girl's" texts every few minutes.

Element 117

Apparantly not enough work....

*sigh* I'm feeling so freakin numb right now, the only smiles I get are from "new girl's" texts every few minutes.
Bear through it, in a little while you'll be free to do whatever you can get away with.

Wasabi Poptart

I'm sorry, Shego. I'm not much of a crier myself, but there are times when there is so much going on emotionally that I just break down. Oddly enough it's mostly when I'm really pissed off. At any rate, try to think about how much happier you have been lately without your ex. Once you've gotten your stuff moved, take a deep breath and don't look back. You'll be ok.
Not really an option at this point sadly. She's on her way here as we speak, to finish up alot of the moving (stuff out of the bedroom) so it can be ready for her family to move tomarrow. Which I will also have to stomach somehow. So for tonight and tomrrow I'm saturated in it.
Ugh, tonight is done. 90% of her stuff is out of my room and the last 10% she can get first thing in the morning.

All I have to do is get through Thursday and it's all done.
I can, I know it. We actually had a pretty civil conversation tonight. I told her soon as she got home that I didn't want the last night she stays here to be ugly or bitter.

We talked, she came across old pictures of ours and old mementos. We talked about them together and overall we both agreed the split, as hard as it was emotionally, was best for us mentally. I really do get that.
And her family gets here, waking me up after only 5hrs of sleep. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Since all her stuff is in the living room, I'm not being bothered.... yet.
I don't' think they're going to bother me anyway.

The thing I'm most grateful for is that she told everyone that needed to be told, that she was the one who made this decision to end it. None the less, I still feel awkward as all hell having to see any of them.

I am going to stick to myself but they're still in my house, for the next 5+ hours. Doesn't help that they are all being very loud.

Element 117

Log into a FPS and creatively kill people. While masturbating furiously, and loudly. Fake Cry at random times, and occasional have a loud fight with no one in a nonsensical language. Every hour on the hour, emerge from the room, smiling your best customer service "I want to kill you" smile and just stare at them, or nothing at all for 2 minutes, until an alarm watch/cellphone goes off. Rinse, repeat.

Element 117

Crying, masturbating, screaming, and doing all kinds of crazy stuff behind closed doors. But then a steady creepy smile every hour on the hour. for exactly 120 seconds. What's creepier than that? I'd leave half my stuff in the house and run away on the third performance.


Staff member
And when you come out offer them something to drink. Giggle if they say no, take a small intake of breath if they accept.

Refuse to drink any yourself.

Or walk out totally naked. Seduce any females in the room. Preferably her mom.


Dual play any random porno and Faces of Death at high volume, leaving the door open a crack. If anyone peeks in or disturbs you, inform them you're not sure which is making you so aroused, but you haven't felt this turned on in about 7 years. Creepy + Slap in the face?
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