Iron Man 2 Release Date in Mexico:

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April 30th.

Release date in the US: May 7th.

Calleja's reaction: WOO HOO!! SUCK IT, SUCKERS!!

Yeah, at least our movie theaters aren't powered by a donkey/ carrot on a stick assembly on a treadmill!
Wanna suck it even more? Our move theaters are just as good and sometimes even BETTER than the theaters I've seen and been to in the US, and we pay about 4.50 USD tops for a normal ticket, about 6 if it's 3D :biggrin:

This is a blurry shot of the theater I was in yesterday:

Yeah, I'll see it May 1st... but the theaters here are stupidly expensive. 7 € for a 2D ticket? the fuck?
That picture of the theater looks 'shopped. ;)

Uh? Why? You don't believe there's a Cinemex chain?

It's an old chain so for instance in Mexico City a cinemex could be the oldest, crappiest theater or the newest better one, depending on which complex you go to. My town has just opened 2, though, so they're pretty good, modern, 3D/IMAX theaters. We have another 4 decent theaters and about 3 really crappy ones.
Oh nooooooooo I have to see it a week later, my life, she is meaningless



Perry, maybe you can help me out here.

Thanks, Per-Per.
I'll be all like "Whoa! Didn't you guys LOVE it when Black Widow was all--- oh, wait, you won't see it for another week! My bad"

And you'll all be like "Dammit, Calleja!!"
If I had my car right now I'd so drive up there and take a picture of myself in front of that theater holding a "SUCK IT!" sign, but since the car won't be here for another hour and by then I'll have lost all interest I'll just say SUCK IT next Friday when I'm watching Tony Stark be all funny while you people are eating big macs or whatever.
Actually there's a several months-old thread around here with a link to a Daily Show piece on how lots of american citizens, especially elderly ones, are crossing the border (albeit legally) to use Mexico's health care system instead of theirs... so.. NYAH!


Staff member
I've seen Tijuana and Juarez. Dirty places.

That's what I like about Mexicans. They never take their work home with them.

[/racist bastard]

Have fun at the movie but please don't spoil it. I'm taking my son midnight on Thursday.
I'm gonna be mad spoilerin' left and right all next week, bitches, I'm gonna be all like "yo, Dave, that's an interesting post, it reminds me of how in Iron Man 2 Warmachine saved Iron Man from that super secret villain!"

....yeah ok, I won't, please don't ban me.


Staff member
I would never ban anyone for spoilers. I may edit the post and berate you verbally, but wouldn't outright ban you.


I like to give Calleja his moments, like not mentioning his 'four men crossing the street' tramp stamp. :)


Staff member
"Pedestrain tattoo," heehee.

Man, I'm more jealous about the ticket price than the release date. There's one theatre about 15 minutes outside my hometown that still have a 5 dollar matinee. Even though it's far, I think it's worth it... no just because it's cheaper (day AND night), but because the crowd there is always much more polite than the ones in the city.
Down here the politeness of the crowds vary more by the time than the location, mostly. You have to know at what time to go to avoid the screaming, stinky masses.


Staff member
^Yeah, I can go to pretty much any 11:30 am/noon feature after something's been out a few days and expect an older, quieter crowd. I love them "early bird" showings.
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