boomerang! (and possible epic win)

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So, a little while back, I blogged about how Calli's ex was being a dickhead. I said:
Now, this week, Calli was served, because her ex husband wants to modify her child support agreement. He wants to adjust it to state guidelines, which we're totally fine with. But he also assholishly put in a clause that we should pay his lawyer's fees. That's bullshit, and we can totally get it denied, but to do that, WE have to get a lawyer. That's gonna cost us a grand. Fucker.
It's worth noting that this guy has about a year's worth of child support left.

So, we lawyered up. Cost us $800. I'd rather pay $800 to MY lawyer who has my best interests at heart than to pay $800 to HIS lawyer by just letting the thing default. On the surface of it, you may think it's the same amount of money, and that it just seems petty to pay for your own lawyer just so that he has to pay for his own, but here's why you always wanna lawyer up in a situation like this:

So, it turns out that Calli's ex got hurt on the job a while back, and hasn't been working. State guidelines in
Texas for child support is 20% of net income for one child, so He was thinking "well, 20% of zero is zero. I can get out of paying any child support!" And if we'd have just let the suit default, that's probably what would've happened.

But, when you have lawyers working the case, that's not how it goes. Our lawyer could easily have argued "well, the disability is temporary. Child support shouldn't be based on a temporary blip on his income level." And that was the direction I think she was going to go. In Texas, child support modifications bring with them legal discovery. That means we get access to bank statements, check stubs, correspondence from his job, etc.

The epic win?

Turns out that this guy is negotiating a settlement with the company for the injury, and the number I've heard talked about is in the 100K range. Well, guess what? That's income that his kids should get a part of. So, my lawyer's working it so he pays part of that settlement money. Ultimately, instead of saving a few thousand dollars, he's going to end up paying tens of thousands when the settlement comes in. This skeezy guy who doesn't seem to even want anything to do with his youngest kid might end up helping put him through college. It's sweet when things turn around.

I imagine right about now, he's regretting lawyering up in the first place.


I concur!!

I always said Karma will be there when he digs his own grave. He showed me what kinda of man he was years ago. He has, in the last few years, showed his children what he is all about as well. He brought this all on himself. It was never about the money but I bet it sure stings to know his children will benefit greatly from all of his ignorance. Tin mentioned could be 100k range but I'm thinking more of a 500k range or more. He can no longer work and has 2 more surgeries to go. If that is in fact the way it goes, my youngest gets a full ride through college and a car for my military boy. :) The rest is ours for the 10 years he never paid a dime. I'm not counting my chickens but the boys will definitely get something good coming their way in the next year or so.

EPIC is not the word......prodigiously epic is how I would rate it. :)
Like 'em or not, this is what lawyers do: find the loopholes that you might overlook. Fantastic application, sir and madam! Best $800 spent, or BEST $800 spent?


well, the win isn't truly epic til we see some greenbacks.

But still, I feel better about the whole thing than I did when the fucker had Calli served the day after she got out of the hospital.

gah....I LOVE YOU!


Staff member
Congrats in the epic win

I always find stupid when people don't want to seek professional help in this kind of thing, great that you guys are smarter than that.

note: why did he served Calli?


Congrats in the epic win

I always find stupid when people don't want to seek professional help in this kind of thing, great that you guys are smarter than that.

note: why did he served Calli?
Our oldest turned 18 and our divorce papers said he had to paid the full amount till the YOUNGEST turned 18 unless still in school which would mean till he is 19. So he got an order to modify the child support order.
Tin, can you tape and upload the video of you kicking Gen's ass, please? We never got to see those neighborhood punks beaten around, this would make up nicely.
Calli: My husband was watching me read the forums. He then pointed and said "SHE has an 18 year old? SHE Does? Wow...she does not look old enough to have a kid that age."

I thought it was funny and might make your day. :p

Edit: More then it's already been made!


LittleSin and Officer_Charon....

Thank you both so much for the compliment. It makes me feel really good to hear that.

My oldest son Sean is 19 in June and my youngest Donovan will be 18 in October. I'm not ashamed to say that I am 38 on August 31 this year. :)

I wanted to have my kids young. I wanted to make sure I didn't lose track of my childhood and how everything was when I was raising my kids. I got so lucky with my boys. Yes we grew up together but I wouldn't change it. They're my closest friends, besides Tin of course, and they just plain ol ROCK! :)

Thanks again.
Calli, your ex is a dumbass. Tin, you're a damn smart man. I have to wonder if I'd have done the same (without knowing)--you're right, always better to lawyer up. Nice going.
Excellent and awesome :) Nice to see some good come to forumites for a change :)

Also, I think she doesn't look old enough for an 18-year-old, too.
Also, of course we all want to eat you. Daring to do so is another matter (I think it'd be a close call as to who hurt me first, Tin or my girlfriend :-P)
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