When would you call the cops?

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Wasabi Poptart

Now granted calling the cops out right is excessive, but extra precautions should be taken considering they are part of a group of people well known for committing crimes.
They are known for committing crimes, true. But these guys sound like they are just sitting outside of a computer repair shop making the owner pee his pants because he's seen one too many episodes of bad 70's tv crime shows. They don't bother with petty crime like beating up geeks just because they can. It's like the mafia. These guys won't draw attention to themselves unnecessarily. Leave them alone, they leave you alone. Simple as that.

When would I call the cops if I were a business owner? When they were harassing me or my customers.
If I was at home and alone? I'd probably just stay in my house and see what happens.


Now granted calling the cops out right is excessive, but extra precautions should be taken considering they are part of a group of people well known for committing crimes.
They are known for committing crimes, true. But these guys sound like they are just sitting outside of a computer repair shop making the owner pee his pants because he's seen one too many episodes of bad 70's tv crime shows. They don't bother with petty crime like beating up geeks just because they can. It's like the mafia. These guys won't draw attention to themselves unnecessarily. Leave them alone, they leave you alone. Simple as that.[/QUOTE]

You realize it's a computer store.. with computers.. and customers' laptops and desktops in here, supplies, memory, hard drives, ..basic computer parts and such for sale. I have to look out for the safety of not just me, but my inventory, my customer's property, etc. It's quite definitely in my prerogative to be aware of what's going on in the parking lot, who's coming and going etc.

Wasabi Poptart

I highly doubt the Hells Angels are going to bother with stealing computers or computer parts from your shop. It's not worth the hassle.


well, to be Hells advocate, :p yes it would be. You see, I'm very close (just 800 feet) to a freeway onramp. One quick smash and grab, and they'd be out of here with a laptop. That's just one thing I have to be aware of.


Now granted calling the cops out right is excessive, but extra precautions should be taken considering they are part of a group of people well known for committing crimes.
They are known for committing crimes, true. But these guys sound like they are just sitting outside of a computer repair shop making the owner pee his pants because he's seen one too many episodes of bad 70's tv crime shows. They don't bother with petty crime like beating up geeks just because they can. It's like the mafia. These guys won't draw attention to themselves unnecessarily. Leave them alone, they leave you alone. Simple as that.

When would I call the cops if I were a business owner? When they were harassing me or my customers.
If I was at home and alone? I'd probably just stay in my house and see what happens.[/QUOTE]

I get that i wasn't suggesting to call the cops but you can still be wary of them.

As some others have said, Hells Angels are just bikers. Bikers are loud. Their bikes are loud. My dad rides with some guys who have been (and a couple still are) involved in the "outlaw" clubs. They are some of the nicest guys you'd meet. Just don't get on their bad side.
Also to that, the loudness of the bikes may negatively effect his business I know loud ass bikes just driving are as annoying as people with there music cranked, probably more so. So if they are just sitting outside of his place revving their engines and shit, it 'may' deter possible customers (not illegal per se) but annoying.

Element 117

I highly doubt the Hells Angels are going to bother with stealing computers or computer parts from your shop. It's not worth the hassle.
I feel really weird doing this, as I usually relish a chance to watch NN suffer when he deserves it, but:

I dunno. Maybe the hells angels wouldn't, but anyone interested in data theft might try it. who knows. As far as Neon Ninja goes, I might have called the cops too, in that case. Not because of them being "Hell's Angels" but because of noise complaints. Only after going outside and asking them if they would please turn off their bikes and come inside for coffee & cookies. I mean, ok, maybe it annoys the cops, but as a tax paying citizen, I'd think you have the right to call the law enforcement whenever you are truly scared for your life or someone elses, even if it proves to be nothing.
I've never had to deal with bikers, exactly, but this year I've had to have security escort students out of the library for a number of reasons. Basically, until they prove to be an immediate and serious problem, I let it go.
I hope, for your sake, that they never find out that you ratted on them.
Rat on them? I run the library at night. If they're causing a disturbance, it's basically my job to take care of it. Security gets involved when they've been asked to leave and won't.

What I've kicked students out for since the beginning of the fall semester: wrestling, shouting, kickboxing, smoking, masturbating, making death threats against other students, listening to a radio in the quiet study area, and attempting to remove parts from one of our computers.
XN: I talk to myself all the time... sometimes, it's the only way to get an intelligent answer.

As far as riding generic complaint calls goes: we ride them, rolling our eyes. However, there are times, rare it's true, but there are times when the worries turn out to be substantiated.

As previously stated, if you honestly feel in danger, go ahead and call. Otherwise, wait for something overt.
I hope, for your sake, that they never find out that you ratted on them.
Rat on them? I run the library at night. If they're causing a disturbance, it's basically my job to take care of it. Security gets involved when they've been asked to leave and won't.

What I've kicked students out for since the beginning of the fall semester: wrestling, shouting, kickboxing, smoking, masturbating, making death threats against other students, listening to a radio in the quiet study area, and attempting to remove parts from one of our computers.[/QUOTE]

"Ratting" has different meaning and consequence in gang politics. Even being accused of ratting can earn you a death sentence on the spot, depending on what gang you're dealing with.
The only time I've called the cops was when a large fight broke out in front of a frat house. If it had just been a couple of guys who were up to no good and started making trouble my neighborhood, I wouldn't have bothered with 911. Really it just seemed to me like someone could have really gotten hurt beyond just a black eye and bruised ego, so at that point I called the cops.

Element 117

Taco bell burritos seem more deadly than the HA 81, I mean, they have a website with a FAQ section and everything.

OC NMo word on blind person cop ID?
I called the police 2 weeks ago. I was driving down the street and passed my old elementary school. I saw some teenagers gathered around a door and window, which was especially odd since it was a saturday afternoon. Then I saw a couple of them break in. I wasn't exactly afraid for my life, but it was a clear violation of the law so I didn't hesitate.
The only time I've called the cops was when a large fight broke out in front of a frat house. If it had just been a couple of guys who were up to no good and started making trouble my neighborhood, I wouldn't have bothered with 911. Really it just seemed to me like someone could have really gotten hurt beyond just a black eye and bruised ego, so at that point I called the cops.

Kitty Sinatra

Fuck the Hell's Angels. And fuck the Rock Machine. I do not want that shit in my city.
The only time I've called the cops was when a large fight broke out in front of a frat house. If it had just been a couple of guys who were up to no good and started making trouble my neighborhood, I wouldn't have bothered with 911. Really it just seemed to me like someone could have really gotten hurt beyond just a black eye and bruised ego, so at that point I called the cops.

I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and she said: "You movin to yo auntie an' uncle in Bel-Air."


Staff member
neon ninja, as usual, either makes me feel sad for him or makes me laugh. This thread is in the latter! Oh Hells Angels.

Element 117

"This neighborhood is so tough when you see a cop, you call the Hell's Angels, man."
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