The NO Mods Thread

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His 'Paladin of the Shadows' series was absolute shit. Wait, we are talking about John Ringo, military sci-fi author, right?


I'll agree on the paladin of shadows, but Live Free or Die is pretty good. Not a single recycled character.


Staff member
Ohhhh, I get it now. :p I was in no way being evasive

But, Shego-kins, I said I was gonna make you pancakes!
I'll agree on the paladin of shadows, but Live Free or Die is pretty good. Not a single recycled character.
Half of the Earth-Posleen War books weren't too awful, but Ghost was just shit.

The first section of the book has the protagonist - a medically retired 30-something Navy SEAL gone back to college who stalks Co-Eds and has rape fantasies - stumble across a Muslim plot that involves kidnapping, transporting them to a WMD manufactuing facility in Syria, serial raping, torturing, and executing American girls on video. He single-handedly not only saves most of the girls, he also personally beheads Osama Bin Laden, who masterminded the plot and was in the same facility.

The second section of the book has the protagonist living on a boat with millions of dollars and a military grade arsenal, hooking up with two 19 year old girls, and introducing them to bondage, for which they are very grateful. Then he foils a Muslim plot involving a nuclear weapon in the Caribbean, which detonates on a sandbar.

The third section follows the protagonist as he samples the wares in the European sex slave trade, before foiling a Muslim plot to detonate a nuclear weapon in Paris. His reward from the French government is to be deported and forbidden to return.

It is one of the worst books ever to not have "Stephanie Meyer" on the cover.
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