Man marries cat

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Staff member
These things just happen sometimes :shrug:
So where are you going on your honeymoon, you crazy kids?

---------- Post added at 08:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 AM ----------

A picture of the lovely couple:



I just read through this thread and cried a little. It's not punny!

Seriously. I don't like pussy.
If we were really going to be punny, the title of the thread should have been "Man finally gets pussy he craves."
Unfortunately, the cat passed away on their wedding night. More unfortunate than that is that a video of the cats last moments can be viewed on the internet. One person who saw said video was quoted as saying, "I never saw an animals eyes get so wide in my life".


"Here kitty klitty... here kitty kitty..." has all new horrible meaning.

Does he whisker away in the evenings?
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