Don't stick an eel in your friend's butt.

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I don't care how drunk I am, I have never thought about putting anything anywhere near anyone's ass. What kind of excuse is getting drunk? Seriously. Are any of you completely out of control when you're drunk? I tend to not filter what I say. I lose depth-perception. I laugh a lot, but I have never done or seen anything like that. That's just fucked up.
This. 100x this.

I know dudes who, as soon as they get to slurring their speech, start pulling down their pants and look for the first set of eyes to teabag or various other lude acts to other males. I don't get how rubbing your nutsack on another dude's chin is fun?!?!? Can we say repressed homosexual feelings?
Hell, back in the day...

The pass out drunks normally got written on with sharpies or beer spilled on their crotch. Never anything that overboard.

I guess his friends thought they were in Led Zeppelin, and he was a groupie.
So wrong... And GB's link was as N_R described it, above average eww but well below the really gruesome stuff I've seen on this here nets...
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