Is this normal?? Why does "super star" seem to be the weirdest?

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Ok.... I am having a hard time grasping this. This guy was a super star. He won 2 super bowl, on a dancing show, and now accuse of rape of an underage minor?

I notice a lately that a lot of "super star" (sports figure, political, news, actor/actress etc etc) seem to take some weird turns that you wouldn't think of it.

I mean people with tons of money doing drugs, crime, rape, steal?? and what have you while many people (like me) think of even having more money so I can pay off my mortgage and such.

do having that much money make people crazy?


Because those who suddenly become rich and famous figure they can get away with any shit they want?

Conversely, because the rich and famous get more press coverage?


Staff member
Do having that much money make people crazy?
Fame, Money and Power separate these people from the common folk and put them in nice little circle where they are feed with everything they want to have and want to hear, ilusions extrapolated by human instict to want more and more.
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