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I'm fleeing the frozen wasteland of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and heading to the paradise of culture and cool languages known to us as Europe.

I'll be gone for three months, and though I'll be travelling with a netbook, I certainly won't be around much.

So don't do anything too drastic.

Try not to be jealous. (Nah, totally be jealous, it'll boost my ego.)

As I tour the continent, sampling their wide range of food, accents, wine, beer, port, scotch, whiskey, wine, wine, beer, wine, beer, beer, beer, wine, and people, I will think fondly of you, Halforums, and how awesome I am, living in hostel dormitories with nought but two sets of clothes and a fear of losing my backpack.

Also I will remember how when I get back from Europe, I will at last be able to change my name and avatar back from Chad Sexington to Garbledina. Freakin' truth or dare.

Then I will think about how awesome Chad Sexington is and probably just leave it.

I am tired, Halforums, for it is late and I must pack and sleep.

But I thought I would boast. So here I am. Boasting.

What up.
You are suppose to go to Europe to hook up not the other way around. Speaking of which Chad, I hope we will have some new blog entries of your adventures. Have a great time and best of luck.
I think the problem was I didn't exploit the hell out of my sudden, new freedom. I could have traveled the continent, having adventures for 2 months on 400 bucks. I instead spent it to change my flight and run home crying.
Goddammit, Dave that is not going to leave my head all flight.

Chaz, damn they are hot. Guess I've a new stop to add.

Rendar, NR, I will send PMs if I happen to be near all y'all.
Bring me back a t-shirt! You lucky, lucky bastard!

Didn't you just go to the Carribean and/or Italy?? Who's bankrolling these trips??
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