I HATE when my kids are sick

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My poor daughter since Friday night she's been throwing up Sat she had a fever that we've been treating with tylenol and now it's gone and just now (midnight) she got a horrible bloody nose that seemed like a friggin gallon of blood my and my wife put her in a bath and now it seems she has a red rash all over her body *sigh* I hate feeling helpless when it comes to my kids
Aye. I feel your pain. There is nothing worse than sitting over your breed witnessing their pain. The most terrible thing a parent can endure.

I sat over my daughters hospital bed more times than I care to count. I prayed. To gods I do believe, to those I don't, to any possible circumstance that would make it ok.

My daughter is ok. I don't know who answered, but I'm still thankful and will choose to bend knee to them any time it is needed.


Staff member
It never ends, either.

Hope she feels better. She'll be up running around soon and you'll be exhausted.
My wife has her at the doctor right now I called and talked to her, it's scarlet fever, I didn't even know that was a thing anymore


I hope she gets well soon. Good thing for modern medicine. So she got strep then turn into Scarlet Fever? (I didn't know that)
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