My wife has no sense of bandwidth

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So I'm playing TF2 and all of the sudden my ping spikes to over 300 I look over and my wife is downloading ebook after ebook about 5 at a time. I ask her to only do one at a time because it's killing my lag and her response is that they only take about two seconds each to download so it shouldn't matter that she was downloading and continues to download over and over and over again on pando. For those not in the know pando is kind of like utorrent only it's not P2P and you don't have to upload to download. sigh she has a few hundred ebook to d/l I think


Staff member
My cable modem has a wireless interface which I run on, my wife does Farmville on while my son plays games online while my daughter video chats and IMs with her friends.

I pay a lot per month for bandwidth.


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I have DSL for gaming and Cable modem because the apartment started "providing" free cable and cable modems. They raised the rent 30 bucks a month along with it, but I think it's a fair deal. Anyway, I use the cable modem for torrenting and surfing, and the DSL is pretty much only for gaming. The latency is much lower and it doesn't conk out on me as much (at all, actually).


Staff member
I have DSL for gaming and Cable modem because the apartment started "providing" free cable and cable modems. They raised the rent 30 bucks a month along with it, but I think it's a fair deal. Anyway, I use the cable modem for torrenting and surfing, and the DSL is pretty much only for gaming. The latency is much lower and it doesn't conk out on me as much (at all, actually).
So you do your gaming over the DSL as it has a set speed and then fuck everyone on the cable CO to torrent and d/l large files? Man. You really are a bastard.


you need a router and you can "throttle" her speed within your network :)


Staff member
I have DSL for gaming and Cable modem because the apartment started "providing" free cable and cable modems. They raised the rent 30 bucks a month along with it, but I think it's a fair deal. Anyway, I use the cable modem for torrenting and surfing, and the DSL is pretty much only for gaming. The latency is much lower and it doesn't conk out on me as much (at all, actually).
So you do your gaming over the DSL as it has a set speed and then fuck everyone on the cable CO to torrent and d/l large files? Man. You really are a bastard.[/QUOTE]

The DSL is 1.5 mbit with 128kbit up, the cable modem is 8 mbit with 512 kbit up. I'd be happy to cancel my DSL and torrent a little bit less on my cable modem so I could play on it, if the latency wasn't frequently in the 4 digits and I didn't lose service entirely for random intervals semiweekly. Oh, and for some suspicious reason, skype and ventrilo seem to have performance issues on my cable modem as well.
I have DSL for gaming and Cable modem because the apartment started "providing" free cable and cable modems. They raised the rent 30 bucks a month along with it, but I think it's a fair deal. Anyway, I use the cable modem for torrenting and surfing, and the DSL is pretty much only for gaming. The latency is much lower and it doesn't conk out on me as much (at all, actually).
So you do your gaming over the DSL as it has a set speed and then fuck everyone on the cable CO to torrent and d/l large files? Man. You really are a bastard.[/QUOTE]

The DSL is 1.5 mbit with 128kbit up, the cable modem is 8 mbit with 512 kbit up. I'd be happy to cancel my DSL and torrent a little bit less on my cable modem so I could play on it, if the latency wasn't frequently in the 4 digits and I didn't lose service entirely for random intervals semiweekly. Oh, and for some suspicious reason, skype and ventrilo seem to have performance issues on my cable modem as well.[/QUOTE]

Yeah! When I used Shaw cable here for my internet, Ventrilo just would not work. I would say something and people would hear me as long as 5 minutes later, very choppily. Shaw claimed that it wasn't anything on their end, but on their service website there was a thread hundreds of pages long of people with the same issue. Shaw then claimed it was because of bit torrent clients. Bullshit.
What does it mean when 300+ ping is considered moderately playable for me?
Incredibly low response time on your part?!

Unless the other people also had around 300 then you'd be getting WTFPwned all the time as you wouldn't see them until it's too late.

Of course it depends on the type of game, but we where talking about FPS's here.
hahaha, we have fiber to the house where I live, through COMCAST(OH SNAP!) and its awesome 50 Mb service with the option to go to 100 for more money
Well, Crimmy's wife obviously needs something to perform up to her standards. Some gals want more bandwidth than others.
What does it mean when 300+ ping is considered moderately playable for me?
Incredibly low response time on your part?!

Unless the other people also had around 300 then you'd be getting WTFPwned all the time as you wouldn't see them until it's too late.

Of course it depends on the type of game, but we where talking about FPS's here.[/QUOTE]

There's a reason why Engineer is my most played class.
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