Woo-Hoo In-and-Out Burger coming to DALLAS!

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Check out In-n-Out's secret menu

Here is what I always order
2x1 (2 patties 1 cheese)
extra grilled onions (free)
add jalapeno peppers (free)
extra toasted (free)
Animal style (they fry it with extra sauce and pickles. DELICIOUS)

The whole thing is more than enough for a grown man to feel full. Without fries. And it costs under $3.

To people who DONT like the fries, remember that in-n-out is like, the *ONLY* fast food place that gets their fries as potatos, cut them there, and fry them there.
You can order them well done or "light" (less done) too. AND you can order the fries animal style, which is really really delicious, but costs a bit extra.
I tend to not like their fries plain very much. However, getting their fries animal style is super delicious.


in-n-out can survive against any fast food place.
their food just tastes so much fresher & real.
5 Guys Burgers & Fries is like the East Coast equivalent. They also do the fresh potatoe bit. It's not the same though.... I miss In n' Out


isn't 5 guys = east coast carls jr?

The only other fast food place i know that uses really fresh ingredients (about 50% comes from local farms/markets) is actually Chipotle.
Subway tastes fresh even though i know it all comes in plastic baggies ><


ya know, it's funny.. I helped encourage Sonic to open some restaurants in my city (hey, they DO listen! whattya know!) but lately, I haven't eaten there.. just haven't enjoyed they food with the high prices. Haven't eaten (or seen) a Inn N Out since 2001..maybe 2002.
I've had nothing but bad experience with Sonics. Could just be my local one, but half they time they leave you sitting out there for over half an hour and when you push the button again turns out they had forgotten all about your order.


I've had nothing but bad experience with Sonics. Could just be my local one, but half they time they leave you sitting out there for over half an hour and when you push the button again turns out they had forgotten all about your order.
what? WOW.. you should complain, but I commend you for your patience! Maximum hold time for me is 3-5 minutes..trust me, they DON'T forget about me! ;)


Staff member
I've had nothing but bad experience with Sonics. Could just be my local one, but half they time they leave you sitting out there for over half an hour and when you push the button again turns out they had forgotten all about your order.
I don't think I even waited that long during the free root beer float promotion, including the time it took to find a parking spot.
Problem with our one is they make you pay by credit card at the kiosk as soon as you order, before you get your food. You can't just change your mind and decide not to give them your business because you already GAVE them your business for the privileged of waiting around in their parking lot. Driving off would just leave you with nothing. Hence, I avoid ever going to Sonics.
How is that different from going to a Burger King or a McDonald's or any other joint where you pay before they give you your food? You also don't have to pay with credit card; they do accept cash. If you honestly feel that you received a sub-par experience there is always the option of asking for a refund (BEFORE you finish your food).


To people who DONT like the fries, remember that in-n-out is like, the *ONLY* fast food place that gets their fries as potatos, cut them there, and fry them there.
Yup, I know. But that doesn't make them good for me, and certainly doesn't make them taste good.
You can order them well done or "light" (less done) too. AND you can order the fries animal style, which is really really delicious, but costs a bit extra.
I tried animal style fries once. It still didn't taste good, on account of the cardboard-tasting fries.


I tried the fries of In and Out when I was in Utah. It was not bad. I think the thing is that it is fresh potato with no artificial stuff "put into" the fries. I like it.


Staff member
No, I just feel and smell like it.

(*I need to go home and go back to bed. The flu sucks.)


Staff member
In-n-Out always reminds me of my Anthropology professor. She was from California and ranted about a lot of the differences between home and Louisiana. The top 3 being:

1. No In-n-Out, which sucked
2. Louisianians wouldn't know a proper winter coat if it bit them on the ass
3. We flash our brights to tell people to "go ahead" in traffic, which was weird to her.
I had In-n-Out a couple times when I was in Sacremento on business a few years back. My boss was all gushing about the place. "You just HAVE to try these burgers!!!!" blah blah blah. So I went.

Honestly, I didn't see what all the fuss was about. I figured he just got sucked into the hype. It reminded me of when Alanis Morissette was the new popular thing. One of my friends went on and on about how hot she was. I told him "She's not hot. You just like her because she's popular. She has a horse face." Which caused no end of arguments. Then, one day, after she was no longer the 'next new thing' he said "You know, she kind of does have a horse face." I just rolled my eyes at him.

So yeah, In-n-Out has a horse face ;)


heh.. They are coming July 4th! (so I'm told) whee. I gotta find an article on that.
So yeah, In-n-Out has a horse face ;)
Pretty much this. At the end of the day, it's just a burger. There's a mom and pop burger place in the town I went to college in that is far superior to all fast food burger joints. They make the patty in front of you. They baked their own buns. Cut the potatoes there (they actually soak them in salt water ahead of time), etc, etc. In-and-Out is decent (better than Wendy's, McDonald's, Burger King, Jack in the box, etc), but is not worth all the hype IMO. Now, Whataburger makes the best fast-food burger for me. It tastes more fresh than most places.

Wasabi Poptart

I've had In-and-Out two times since coming to San Diego. I didn't think it was all that impressive considering I waited 20 minutes for soggy fries and a squashed burger with too much onion. I'd rather have a burger from Islands if I'm going to wait for it.
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