Ok, no, your mom thinks it's you, but

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I took the SATs but that was I think two scale variations ago (1995). English 640, Math 730.

All I know is that most of the time, I feel like I'm getting a little more stupid every day.
I took the SAT in '88. I made national merit commended student. I would've made scholar based on my SATS (only missed 2 questions), but my PSAT's were too low because I flubbed it due to working til 3am the night before :(
According to my own estimates I have an I.Q. of 170.

*(Bonus points to whomever knows what character in what show said that)
Wow, this is a whole can of worms here. (Thanks for the flattering nomination, though.) Strangely, the primary definition of of intelligence is performance on an intelligence test. It does seem related to people's perceptions of intelligence, though, whatever that is. I'm of the opinion that a large part of what we consider intelligence is in the eye of the beholder, much like beauty. Someone with a lot of schooling (er...too much schooling?) is going to have a lot of specific things to say, especially on topics of their specialty (ahem ;) ) and I think we culturally assign that to be intelligence. A brilliant auto mechanic or baker might not acquire the same label, even though they are of a similar level of expertise as a mathematician or scientist. Then again, there seems to be a biological component to intelligence as well. Maybe we need a DNA test to answer the question...

Wasabi Poptart

I'm too embarrassed to say what I got on my SATs when I took the exam back in 1988. I cried because it was so bad. It was another reason why I didn't bother going to college back then.


I'm too embarrassed to say what I got on my SATs when I took the exam back in 1988. I cried because it was so bad. It was another reason why I didn't bother going to college back then.
The problem with those tests is that there are a few nonintellectual reasons why someone might do poorly like test anxiety or something like that.

I did pretty well on my ACT I got a 34 on language. I got a 17 on math. I have never been good at math but that thing with the ACT has always kind of pissed me off. I took it before I took high school algebra so most of what was on the test I had no experience with. I really should have retaken it after algebra but I didn't. I have always regretted that.

I am not claiming to be the smartest person on this forum by saying this (disclaimer) but this seems like a fine place to put this childhood anecdote. When I was in the fifth grade we took some kind of standardized intelligence test. I got the highest score in the school, elementary through high school. I never really cared or was impressed by that but it did mark the one time in my life that my mom acknowledged, in any significant way, that I might not be a complete moron. She bought me a ziggy card. Lol.


Staff member
They tell me I have an IQ of ~168 but I am a dumb dumb man.
That beats me at 150.

I got a 1400 on my SATs, but that was quite a while ago (when I was 14, I think). It was before essay portion was added, and I think before they made the scoring easier. 800 verbal (perfect score on that half), 600 math.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I'm a high school dropout... sorta. I switched to home schooling due to health problems, and I've taken some college courses (got in on my SAT scores with no diploma or GED).


are you saying that my bedroom is in a bad neighborhood or are you telling me to go to bed so that you can carry on with your orgy?

I promise I won't interfere regardless.
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