Ok, no, your mom thinks it's you, but

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I still have that rope and taser. I thought we cleared this up already. GAWSH!
The smartest person is the one who fakes being stupid, but still has moments of intelligence shining through like sunbeams through dark clouds.

I have several candidates in mind for this, none of whom I can name, because then it'd mean I'm saying they act stupid.

Element 117

The smartest person is the one who fakes being stupid, but still has moments of intelligence shining through like sunbeams through dark clouds.

I have several candidates in mind for this, none of whom I can name, because then it'd mean I'm saying they act stupid.
So you're suggesting we nominate you?
The smartest person is the one who fakes being stupid, but still has moments of intelligence shining through like sunbeams through dark clouds.

I have several candidates in mind for this, none of whom I can name, because then it'd mean I'm saying they act stupid.
So you're suggesting we nominate you?[/QUOTE]

Well, I didn't want to just come out and say it, but now that you mention it...
I would like to nominate myself, I scored a 34 on my ACT, a 2200 on my SAT, national honor society in high school, graduated in the top 10% of my class, 3.8 GPA with 120+ credits in a multi-disciplinary load-out, with a B.S in Environmental Sciences. Well known for my need to apply everything I learn on a daily basis to life and work alike.

but I digress, in all actuality I am the biggest raging man-child within 500 square miles. There are many people that will explain I am closer to a cartoonish mad scientist than scholarly genius. I enjoy arguing such things as I invented the ? mark.

in conclusion, I am joking around, trying to make a point that asking who is the smartest is just silly. especially in this place full of scientists, teachers, mathematicians, and alike. we are all likely in the top ends of our respective fields in relation to our ages and relative life experience.

P.S. I vote Chazwozel is smartest man on the boards, followed closely by Dave. as for the ladies I would make argument for Cajungal, followed closely by Ame

Element 117

I would like to nominate myself, I scored a 34 on my ACT, a 2200 on my SAT, national honor society in high school, graduated in the top 10% of my class, 3.8 GPA with 120+ credits in a multi-disciplinary load-out, with a B.S in Environmental Sciences. Well known for my need to apply everything I learn on a daily basis to life and work alike.

but I digress, in all actuality I am the biggest raging man-child within 500 square miles. There are many people that will explain I am closer to a cartoonish mad scientist than scholarly genius. I enjoy arguing such things as I invented the ? mark.

in conclusion, I am joking around, trying to make a point that asking who is the smartest is just silly. especially in this place full of scientists, teachers, mathematicians, and alike. we are all likely in the top ends of our respective fields in relation to our ages and relative life experience.

P.S. I vote Chazwozel is smartest man on the boards, followed closely by Dave. as for the ladies I would make argument for Cajungal, followed closely by Ame
I bet you tried to beat up magicians at the school fieldtrip too, right?
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