Truth or Dare 2: the Daring Truth

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Hmmm.... what is your proudest moment from your teenage years?
well im really boring so mine is of course related to education... and spite. Every year they handed out this award for the person who scored the highest on this general history knowledge test and one year I won, which I was really happy about. But what made me proud was that I kicked my friend Hannah's ass. She spent months studying and I never even opened a book. It was glorious and I even got an award in front of the whole school.

However, had I known that Hannah would hold it against me for ten years I probably wouldn't have been so proud.


:'( now i has a special sad that phil gave me

Philosopher B.

Goddamn it I am cracking up here. If I break a rib from laughing, ya'll's gettin' billed. :p Well done, sir.


Staff member
I'm only just now seeing it. Then I watched it a second time. You got a belly laugh and a few snorts out of me. Very few people here have made me snort-laugh, so congrats, dearie.
I'll be real honest with you Bumble.

I can't bring myself to watch it.

It feels like our relationship would be forever changed.


I want in on this .....maybe I should go back to page 1 and read first lol !


Staff member
It's simple. All you have to do is ask ToD to the last person who ToD'd someone. That would be math. ToD him at once! Then someone else will ask you. :)
ok Charon:

what is the dumbest arrest you ever got to make during service? (dumbest = by your standard, one you agreed the least with, etc)

thanks ;)
ok Charon:

what is the dumbest arrest you ever got to make during service? (dumbest = by your standard, one you agreed the least with, etc)

thanks ;)
The one I agreed least with? That one's an easy one. I responded to a house where I'd gone before for a nasty domestic call, wherein the craven aggressor fled prior to my arrival, escaping through a swamp. Which was amusing.

I came back about a month later, after the girl had gotten upset with this douche for being especially douchetacular at a bar, and had swung her arm wide to point him towards the door. This arm's hand held a beer mug, and was about a foot closer to the guy than she thought, and the beer mug clobbered him in the lip. Witnesses advised that they had been arguing, but it didn't appear that she intended to get physical with him.

Under Georgia law, once we determine the primary aggressor in a domestic case, we HAVE to make an arrest. Judicial order, like a warrant. So I had to take a previously battered woman to jail. Felt like a winner, that night.
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