Define this for me please........

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few days, a week maybe?

i mean, it's certainly a good idea not to put out the first night because it builds the desire...

I once waited 6 weeks (but the girl was 22). Since then, the most i had to wait was 1 week and a half. 2 weeks would have been too long honestly, we're adults.

in a number of dates: I like 3 but usually end up doing the nasty at the second :)
The common rule is 3 dates. That still seems a little fast. If you don't want to tear a guys clothes off in that time, you may not be that interested.

But again, I am an old bachelor, not the best person for dating advice. But with dating for 21+ years, I've seen a lot.

Wasabi Poptart

I didn't go by the number of dates, but by the amount of time that's passed and how attracted I was to the guy. Usually it was a few weeks. With my husband, I jumped his bones within hours of first meeting him face-to-face. We met online and talked for about 3 weeks before we finally got together. He was also leaving the country soon, so I figured it was just going to be a fling. Look at where that landed me. LMAO


hmmm .. Thanks for that ....I may have to redate the last guy I dated it would be date 4 i'd say its time to tap that lol !!!

Ok but seriously ...Dating is complicated its a lil annoying too ......I have alot of offers just kinda picky on who to meet....Online dating is more difficult but I can't pick up men in bars and clubs... Any suggestions aside online to find potential dates? I have to admit I love this topic of dating because it can go on forever !

---------- Post added at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 AM ----------

few days, a week maybe?

i mean, it's certainly a good idea not to put out the first night because it builds the desire...

I once waited 6 weeks (but the girl was 22). Since then, the most i had to wait was 1 week and a half. 2 weeks would have been too long honestly, we're adults.

in a number of dates: I like 3 but usually end up doing the nasty at the second :)

Wanna go out ? Lol !


Staff member
If you have any free time, a little lagniappe class for art, a foreign language, whatever you might be interested in might be a good way. Adult classes are a great way to meet people who share your interests; they're not there because they have to be; they're there to have fun doing what they like. I don't know if you're religious, but if you are, maybe start going to pot lucks at your local church or helping with the volunteering. Anything that gets you in a social place where you know you share something with everyone there.
My question though is my friend dates alot and what seems to be a reaccuring problem for her is that they date for a month or so you get to the sex part and they never call back ? What does this mean? I feel lucky this hasn't happened to me the only problem I come across is trouble getting rid of them without hurting feelings....

So how long do you have to wait before putting out cause i've heard from men that once the secret is released the fun goes that is why you should never give it up too quickly !!! Any advice on that?
Pretty much what some of the others have said, lots of guys are only in it for the "hunt". It sounds terrible (and maybe because it is, depends on your point of view I suppose) but once they have gotten what they wanted why stay around? Clearly they aren't looking for a relationship, hence, no call back.

As to how long to wait? I guess that depends on the guy you pick. If he's only in it for the sex then, well, it doesn't really matter, if you have sex to early he'll be gone, if you wait, he'll be gone. If you pick a guy who isn't just in it for the sex (finding that guy is a whole different topic I suppose) then it will probably be a mutual decision rather than one that is done to merely satisfy the pressures of one partner.


Holy confusion Espy u should write a book about dating and fuck friends lol !
lol, I'll try to fit it that in my schedule. ;)

The reality is, the person you pick is going to determine how things roll, you know? You pick a shitty guy, he's gonna be... a shitty guy whether or not you sleep with him. You pick a good guy and he's going to be... a good guy, whether or not you sleep with him. Sex can, for many people, take relationships to REALLY intense stages before they are ready, which is why many people hold back on it. I'm not going to tell anyone when they can and can't have sex, but the kind of after school cliche's about respecting yourself and taking your time to get to know someone (assuming you want a relationship and not fuck buddy) are, oddly enough, often quite true. Of course, as I said, it all really depends on what kind of guy/girl one goes after.

Wasabi Poptart

I think it also depends on what YOU want out of the relationship. As I said, when I met my husband I figured it was just going to be a fling since he was leaving the country for 2 years. I was ok with it being possibly a one time thing. I wasn't looking for a boyfriend, let alone a long distance relationship with someone overseas. If you're looking for something serious, then don't play around with a fuck buddy or friend with benefits or even sticking with a guy for the sake of being with someone. That's not to say you shouldn't enjoy yourself, but keep in mind what you are looking for and the kind of person you want in your life.
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