Having to go to High School forever isn't a cursed existence?Call me old fashioned but aren't vampires supposed to lead a cursed existence as an undead immortal?
Stupid Twilight...
Having to go to High School forever isn't a cursed existence?Call me old fashioned but aren't vampires supposed to lead a cursed existence as an undead immortal?
Stupid Twilight...
Having to go to High School forever isn't a cursed existence?[/QUOTE]Call me old fashioned but aren't vampires supposed to lead a cursed existence as an undead immortal?
Stupid Twilight...
Great, not even THAT is original.Anne rice's vampires have kind of a glittery marble look to them. I think it is supposed to bring to mind stone.
Having to go to High School forever isn't a cursed existence?[/QUOTE]Call me old fashioned but aren't vampires supposed to lead a cursed existence as an undead immortal?
Stupid Twilight...
Those truancy officers must be tough...
Having to go to High School forever isn't a cursed existence?[/QUOTE]Call me old fashioned but aren't vampires supposed to lead a cursed existence as an undead immortal?
Stupid Twilight...
Wait a sec, someone said that the twilight vampires don't drink blood (at least the "good" ones don't)?
I wonder where that idea came from?
Wait a sec, someone said that the twilight vampires don't drink blood (at least the "good" ones don't)?
I wonder where that idea came from?
Wait a sec, someone said that the twilight vampires don't drink blood (at least the "good" ones don't)?
I wonder where that idea came from?
Wait a sec, someone said that the twilight vampires don't drink blood (at least the "good" ones don't)?
I wonder where that idea came from?
Wait a sec, someone said that the twilight vampires don't drink blood (at least the "good" ones don't)?
I wonder where that idea came from?
OHMYGOSHICAN'TTAKETHESTUPIDITY.They live in Washington, so it's always overcast. They play hooky on sunny days. >.< Oh Christ, I know these things.
Call me old fashioned but...