VG Cats/ Super Effective Thread

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I'd argue that the focus of technology has changed to what is profitable and not what is possible, which was the movement in the years before Star Trek first aired. If we WANTED those things, we COULD attain them... but only if our consumerist culture could, for once, decide to reach for a dream instead of a big mac.


Staff member
Star Trek was about what humanity could become if optimism and altruism became the norm for the human creature... and while temporarily uplifting, it's not believable any more. But speculative sci-fi isn't dead, as the legions of browncoats will tell you.
Meh... we'll eventually start exploring Space more thoroughly, once we can develop a radiation shield good enough to keep people from dying during the long trip to Mars. I'm more worried about what we'll DO once we get there than IF we'll get there.
Meh... we'll eventually start exploring Space more thoroughly, once we can develop a radiation shield good enough to keep people from dying during the long trip to Mars. I'm more worried about what we'll DO once we get there than IF we'll get there.
I already have stock in a future planned martian prostitution ring.


Staff member
Yeah, Valve is the only one, right? Shit, Zynga's been doing this for a while with Mafia Wars, Farmville, etc.
Yeah, but it's increasingly seeming like Gabe is doing things less in the interest of his consumers and more in the interests of his stock holders. From anyone else this would be normal, but Valve is usually pretty good about keeping it's player base at least somewhat mollified. This has turned to nigh exploitation in the recent months.
God damn you Valve for trying to make money! Why would you do such a thing? I liked you guys, but then you came to my house and put a gun to my head and forced me to buy keys for crates...
Wow, Scott forgot he quit doing VGCats again? No, wait, I bet what happened is that people at the last con he went to said, "So, it's been a few months since the last strip. When's the next one due up?"
DreamGoddess was gonna say something along those lines, but we didn't see him there. I did see his booth, but he didn't bring his better T-shirts.
Although I didn't think it was drop dead funny (no pun intended) I did chuckle at Pinky Pie's expression in the last panel
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