Troll: Don't worry. Like I said Emma Frost has been confirmed as not being in the game and so has the entire Fantastic Four (this was probably why they put Super Skrull in the game)
Who I'd like to see:
Capcom: I hope they don't ditch Megaman and while Zero would be cool, I think Bass would be even cooler. There are also rumors that Albert Wesker will be in the game. Hope that is true (and not as a pallet swap of Chris). Also, despite this having a very small chance of happening, I'd like to see either Dan or Garcian Smith from Killer7
Marvel: Doctor Octopus and Bullseye. Got to get some nice villains in there besides Doom. Doctor Strange would be nice too, especially since Dormammu is in the game.
Who I DON'T want to see
Capcom: The rumored cast list that doesn't omit Megaman entirely usually lists him as Megaman Volnutt (AKA the one from Megaman Legends). Please no. If you're going with Alternate version of Megaman, go with either Megaman X or MegaMan.EXE
Marvel: Any of the lame and/or inexplicably popular villains from Spider-Man's rogues gallery, namely Mysterio, Rhino or the Shocker (I don't think the Shocker is THAT lame but I don't think he'd fit in) X-23 is a no go for me as well: you already have Wolverine in there, what's the point?