So, where else do you hang out?

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Blue Line forums, but that's work related mostly. Sherdog forums, though I don't often post since the place is rife with some of the most insanely stupid people to ever grace the internet.


Staff member
Nowhere, actually. I used to hate forums in general. One summer I was bored and perused imdb and some others and was more or less turned off to the whole idea.


Nowhere, actually. I used to hate forums in general. One summer I was bored and perused imdb and some others and was more or less turned off to the whole idea.
oh man imdb forums could turn you off life.
Haven't visited Blue Line before... the name is kind of obvious for context... a lot of updates and BOLOs?
It's really, really general but there is a section for that. There's really a section for everything as well as some really nice private sections for sworn police only. Seriously, you have to email badge number, work address, rank, agency, supervising officer, etc to get access.
Haven't visited Blue Line before... the name is kind of obvious for context... a lot of updates and BOLOs?
It's really, really general but there is a section for that. There's really a section for everything as well as some really nice private sections for sworn police only. Seriously, you have to email badge number, work address, rank, agency, supervising officer, etc to get access.[/QUOTE]

Might have to check that out... I only really scan, but never post on the forums there


Staff member
DragonByte Tech and here. But I'm registered in like a hundred of them for various reasons.
Haven't visited Blue Line before... the name is kind of obvious for context... a lot of updates and BOLOs?
It's really, really general but there is a section for that. There's really a section for everything as well as some really nice private sections for sworn police only. Seriously, you have to email badge number, work address, rank, agency, supervising officer, etc to get access.[/QUOTE]

Might have to check that out... I only really scan, but never post on the forums there[/QUOTE]

Blue Line is basically a Canadian


Used to post on a Square/Enix board a while back but it died out slowly due to lack of new members and a stale community.
I post on reddit sometimes, and my guild forums from WoW (got some RL friends there and my brother, so I like to poke in while I'm on hiatus to see how they're doing). Other than that, I don't really post anywhere else, I'm kinda picky about forums.
I lurk on Fark, and I'm fairly active on the Gamefaqs forums, though which games depends on what I'm playing.
This is my main forum. I also peruse's forums and's forums for the 40K talk. Mostly I find Warseer to have the better advice.

Wasabi Poptart

I used to belong to a few boards for military/Navy spouses. Got banned from one for standing up for a friend who was also banned. Got kicked off of another because the admin had a tiff with my group of friends. Quit another because the hand holding crap made me ill. I had sworn off message boards until I joined HP.

Oh and sometimes I go on /b/.
Something Awful

Used to hang out on an unofficial WoW realm forum as well, but it shut down some time ago.


Staff member
Just two others for me. I tried PA and XKCD forums for a bit before fading from both.

Eastern U.S. Weather Forums (active poster)
Stormtrack (mostly lurking)

Yes, I am that much of a weather nerd.
The Total War Center. It's mostly a forum for Total War gamers, but we also talk a lot about history and sports as well.
Kurtz' first orphan cast-off forum
Something Awful, mainly TV IV, Cinema Discusso, sports forums, with a couple peaks into D&D and Lassez Faire once in a while
Used to post on, an AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego) site, like ... 6+ years ago.
Used to post on Relevant Magazine forums, the community for a Christian magazine that I acutally liked a lot. This was 4+ years ago.
Used to post on a few other small boards, but they're neither big enough to mention, nor was my posting frequent enough to matter.


This is my only forum aside Beachbody :) I'm happy with this place so I need not look anywhere else ! I've grown to love everyone here it was rough at first though since I'm probably kinda different then everyone else here .

I've noticed though that we are all very different and sorta special it's kinda cool !
My only other forum Gelatinous Dudes, a local charity/RPG board that focuses on D&D (2, 3.5 & 4), Pathfinder and other games, in addition to raising funds for local charities.


Staff member
Aw hell naw. I can barely deal with all you bastards here, no way I am letting you know about my other places for you to step up with your shenanigans!
This is my main forum... but there are two other specialty forums I hang out at occasionally. for Warhammer 40k related stuff and for advice on repairing, modifying and tuning my Prelude. Sometimes occasionally but there's a lot of morons who don't know jack about cars pretending they are engine gurus so it can be difficult to find good articles at times.
i post on reguarly and less frequently. I used to lurk on the harmony central forums, but...meh.

I used to post on the Krypton Krew site, but have both lost the addressed and had stopped posting on there prior to that.
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