What's the strangest game you've played?

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Today while Googling radio drama for iPhone randomly, I came across a preview for a game that just sounded...well, out there.

This got me thinking about some of the really strange "games" I've played over the years, and since a lot of you play way more games than me, I started wondering: what's the strangest game you've ever played.

My input: It's gotta be either Total Distortion or Bad Day on the Midway. Both were just...bizarre.



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Zeno Clash is a totally awesome bit of the bizarre. Not sure if it's the strangest game I've played, but maybe the strangest I've played and loved.


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EnviroBear 2000 or Must Eat Birds. Both are iPhone games.

Envirobear is one of the most insane games I have ever played. It is also the best bear-based driving simulation of all time. You are a bear. Driving a car. You have one hand you can control. You have to eat a bunch of stuff before you hibernate. To drive you have to push down the pedal, shift gears, turn the wheel. To eat you have to grab the animals that fall into the car (from hitting trees or driving into the lakes) and drag them into your mouth. The whole time you are driving there is all this stuff in the cab of your car that can get under the pedals or in the way so you have to throw it out of your car. Also badgers jump in, you have to get rid of them too. Then there's an alarm clock bouncing around. It is just ridiculous. It is designed to make you angry.

Must eat birds is a more normal game, sort of. You are a meatball that is launched at birds, you have to eat the birds before they hit the ground. The weird thing about it is that the context just doesn't make sense. The birds are after your cake, I think. If you get enough birds eaten without missing one your cake grows big and you hit the 'MAXIMUM BAKE' bonus round. Why am I a meatball?


All versions of Mario games. I have played nearly all of them and each one makes me go what the hell is that.


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Na na na na na na na na na...
You can categorize generationally most people from their response to "how would you complete the above passage?

A) ... hey Jude!
B) ... I said a NAH, na na na NAH, na na na NAH, na na NAH, na na NAH, na na, na NAHHHH!
C) ... BATMAN!!
D) ... hey hey hey, good-bye!
E) ... Katamari Damacy!
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