Thanks for the feedback, I do appreciate it. A couple of quick replies to answer some concerns.
Pretty much every little "happening" or "encounter" or whatever has a loseable prize, or somebody that gets away, or whatever. While these can be nice, and I can see the appeal, these are nothing but frustrating.
"Oh. That guy is taking gold off the table. If he gets away we won't get that gold. I know that Jay will make it so we cannot get him or the gold if he escapes. I should kill him!
"But killing him doesn't make the slightest bit of sense for my character, especially while we're locked in this heated battle for our lives. I'll keep fighting to help my comrades. It would be utterly ridiculous and RP-breaking to go and spend turns on that guy."
That's using the specific example of our last encounter, but this -sort- of thing happens constantly. Nothing takes you out of the immersion more than the quick-to-disappear "bonus prize" enemy blinking on the screen (if we were to imagine this like a PC game).
I run the game using a battle sheet with a bunch of quick notes regarding all the NPCs in the game which I use as well as potential ones I may or may not use. For some NPCs that you will have a strong chance of having conflict against their stats a lot more detailed and amongst them a pair of stats that are linked or morale and loyalty which isn’t in conventional D&D games. At the end of every turn, I roll twice per enemy NPC to see how they’ll react to situations in combat. Are they losing? Are they losing? Are they willing to go on if they are hurt? How loyal are they to their companions? Do they see a way to escape? Etc… When you hear me say, start of TURN…. X.. I’m doing those rolls.
This provides an on the spot opportunity of where players have to deal with something at the same time I have to deal with. I get great pleasure out of that. An NPC fails his morale check and his courage falters and he wishes to flee. The group chases him down. I look at my possible encounter sheet… and I see a special skill challenge as a possibility. Boom, I use it. Players are at first somewhat apprehensive of the skill challenge however quickly realize that when done in a specific way, it can be enjoyable. Conclusion? People warmed up to it and Helga fell over a fence. I like that. It will happen again in a new fresh way which I hope players enjoy.
Will it happen all the time? Nope! But do expect it in the future and while at some moments your character won’t want to find the matter pressing, I was kind of hoping the other group members would go, “Fuck that noise!” IC and take that lout who was taking your gold out as it would be more of their character style. The question is… was their character or the player even paying attention to what was going on? Who knows! But I do agree with you, your character would care little about the bets of a 6 and 7 dice game. In the future, the roles will be reversed (and you’ll like it a LOT… BWAHAHA)… and these players will like it I’d guess somewhat less.
Somewhat related to the above, but the whole "Godlike steps ahead of the players". To use another specific example, "whoever/whatever" escaping from the altar room via the swiveling bookcase. I simply can't accept that we, as alert adventurers, were not able to hear something or someone going through a swiveling bookcase and escaping up the stairs. I don't care how well-oiled the whole mechanism could be, we would be likely to hear it, as it's not like we were yelling and screaming. Basically, again, it feels like a PC game.
I work with your best player’s passive perception which sadly is… pretty pathetic. You guys have missed a lot of passive checks and if the players aren’t stating they aren’t checking something and providing me with a roll, I go with the… what… lout best 13 or 14? The good news is the new girl’s passive will help you guys a lot better. In this situation you guys will rest 50 feet away from the door with your crappy perception against a strong but not unbeatable stealth check. I would like to state more, but that would lead to spoilers which must not happen! Though those of you who have kept touch with every little detail will make sense of it all, I hope.
Instead of us being in an actual setting where we have a good potential of catching whatever this is, it feels like "Enemy A reaches Exit Zone. Enemy A fades off the screen. Players cannot find Enemy A because Enemy A technically does not exist on the map anymore." Half the time, it doesn't feel like our characters were outsmarted or that we were outmaneuvered. It just feels like the gods that be (or, the DM) has decided that we will not catch this person until he is ready. Again, I feel less like a person in this world than a character forced to go along the paths of a computer game.
As far as line of sight goes, if you cannot see the character, then the pog will always be hidden, this will be always the case in my game. If you turn around the corner and ask what you see, you’ll see what you should see. Sometimes, you’ll get a punch in the FACE. Once a character has made its escape there’s no point tracking it for an hour. This has happened only twice against mini-bosses. Though you have killed 2 others. 50/50.
As per deciding which characters can escape or not, all my characters have been open to whatever you guys choose, what you roll in your attempt to do what you want to do. Some will escape and some will be reused in following adventurers depending on player feedback which I LOVE! Simkin was supposed to be a one time deal but I like what happened. I reinvented him in a special way and you haven’t seen the end of his implication. Heck, who is to say he wasn’t always around but hidden with his sneaky means? How much have you been paying attention guys? bwahah
I do work the game somewhat differently that other players have run theirs. I like the fact that enemy players can hide behind things or hide from sight, just like players do against them and you can count on me to abuse that sexy part of combat! One day, I’ll go into detail about what has happened and what opportunities you guys missed. What caused what. Stating more will ruin a bit of the mystic of the storyline which has several things going.
I feel terribly railroaded in this game. It's probably because you have a story written out that you want us to go through, but I really don't feel like we've made any choices in this game, other than, "Would you like to start Quest A or Quest B?" A shining example of railroading is when we went to the house we just came to, and NOBODY knew why or which house it was. We were just there because we made the vague decision to look for a house, and then you put us there, basically. I still don't know why we were at that house, or who were supposed to find, or if we even found him.
I’m going to take exception to this and I think you should pay better attention to the game. Instead of coming to a game session and falling on, “yeah, I don’t remember what is going on” a better effort can be provided and when there’s an extended period of investigation be more implicated. Everything happened for a reason. Some clues given were partial because the findings are partial.
I do admit I railroaded ONCE, in the last game session, when I made the dwarf scream so you can find the girl to add Julie to the game. I’m sorry. You guys went in another direction and I made her wait close to an hour. J
So sorry again.
As far as quest lines go… It’s not really Quest A or Quest B. It’s more like Quest A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3… there’s a general storyline and there’s progression, all done by my own hand (except for some riddles) as well as the subquests that for some players, have already commenced and for others commence soon.
He knew the dwarf Carmine, who's corpse we found underground in the caves after fighting the wererat, and who was supposed to be the recipient of the letter that Flint gave to Helga.
In a way your substory fueled the main story, I liked that.
I actually feel it was the part of the campaign so far where I felt we were the most on-task. I felt SMART for making those connections.
I was also impressed as the clues you had going on were limited and the decision was wise especially some others wanted to head in a different direction that would have led to your deaths.
I have to echo the sentiments with the bonus prize enemies and ninja escapes, though. Especially since enemies who we know are carrying all the goodies tend to be the ones to VANISH. Actually, it feels like we've had someone escape from every single encounter so far...
0 thugs
1 stirge
1 clouded one
1 simkin
0 assassins
0 assassins
1 thieving guy
As for loot, sure, they may have something but it’s the way the cookie crumbles. I believe the hidden “loot caches” every game you guys may find do somewhat balance things. In some cases, you fail tests… and don’t get magical tanking armor. Bwahaha
Along the same lines - being robbed sucked. A LOT. Especially since at this rate I'm not sure we'll ever see that 1500g again. And I'm not sure how someone managed to rob 5 separate people in 5 separate rooms without anyone noticing a thing.
Indeed. Though, I won’t worry too much about money. (it was 1200 actually and you should ask Shawn why he took your shit, not me. Didn’t you notice the new pairs of shoes?)
This is tempered somewhat by the idea that we'll occasionally stumble upon caches of bonus gold/items/etc., but I hope it isn't affecting our overall wealth-by-level. Which is to say, if we've found 2 out of a suspected 4 secret caches, been robbed for 1500g, and had an enemy MYSTERIOUSLY escape through secret doors with some-400g, it feels like we have a lot less than we should right now, which will only be compounded at later levels. This could be already taken care of behind the scenes, but this is just what I see.
2 out of 5 caches now to be exact. Ask Falagar.
As far as money goes, don’t worry about it TOO much. It will catch up. You’re in a mausoleum aren’t you? Think of surviving. Didn’t you notice the door closed behind you?
See page 155 of Arcane Power for an explanation
You shut your whore mouth HC!
I appreciate the feedback folks, keep them coming! How about the riddles, sub-stories? What would you like to see more of?