Following Rathkor's lead, here is Helga's Takedown:
Young Tyrdin, whom I once called devilman, has proven himself to be a trustworthy ally who grants me healing whenever I am in need, even sometimes against my better judgment. He also assisted us in combat against the other devilmen, and shows a strong sense of loyalty, especially to his missing mother. I see a lot of rage in him, and I know what that can do to a person. I hope he finds his mother; these parental bonds are very important, especially for hotheaded youth.
Continued allegiance with the dragonman seems like a gamble. One hour he'll summon radiant fire that seems to burn at my flesh without affecting our enemies in slightest, and the next he'll prove to have a valuable tool for just the right moment. Who knew that carrying a tree branch into Carmine's estate would probably save my life? Ridiculous. Ever since he finished off that unkillable cleric that was likely to finish Tyrdin and I, I've decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. His goals align with mine, at least as far as Goodmead. As long as he remains on the better side of neutral with me until then, I'll continue to travel together.
The shadowmen are... curious. So far their role in our investigation has been on the helpful side, but they tend to disappear and another one returns later. I'll reserve judgment for the time being, since they seem to be on our side, though varying completely in personality from each other, even against the being I suspect of being Magar's "Shrouded One". I have heard some rumours of a race that can alter their physical appearance - could the shadowmen be a single person? I'll try to talk to the next one who stays with us.
Falagar is completely beguiling. Can the stories possibly be true? Everyone in Dougan's Hole seems so sure. I cannot imagine the same man I have seen fall in combat several times, or fall victim to so many traps, be The Mighty Falagar, capable of so many legendary feats on his own. Perhaps is charisma makes his stories much larger than life, tall tales. Perhaps he has just been incredibly lucky in the past. If that's the case, his luck seems to be running dry since coming to the Hole. I only hope he can stay alive long enough to serve his purposes as our motley crew's ambassador, if his luck does not return.
Young Sylvaria is a mystery, wrapped in an invisible enigma. The cultists kept her alive, for some reason. Perhaps they fear her as much as the dragonman seems to. But then why take her at all, especially if her memory seems lost to her? Travelling with her reminds me of my young daughter Anja back in Ironmaster, which is somewhat comforting, but may ultimately prove to be a distraction. I cannot afford to be distracted. I must stay resolute. As a small mercy, the little one seems to be somewhat cold and distant anyway, so perhaps I will not grow as attached to her as I fear I might. Who can say. Leading a child into battle seems dangerous at best, but she seems to control at least some magic, and she seems happy to follow us even into the dankest of crypts. Curious.