I'm not sure where it started, but a few years ago, trophies or achievements became a major part of gaming. Maybe not major among every individual gamer, but certainly in the industry. Every game these days has achievements.
What are your thoughts on them?
Personally, I...kinda like them. It gives the game some more replay value because you obsessively try to get that coveted platinum trophy (for achieving every trophy for that game). When I'm playing a game on PS3, I like hearing that "ting!" noise that I've gotten a trophy. Heck, just this past Sunday, I had a video game day and went about trying to get as many trophies as I could for Smackdown vs. RAW 2010. It's the first game that I actually want to try getting all the trophies.
That said, my one qualm is that, even if you manage to achieve some of those harder trophies, they don't always mesh with the game. Aside from extra experience and personal satisfaction, there's no reward for getting all of The Riddler's riddles in Arkham Asylum.
I just think of games like, say, Metal Gear Solid, where your reward for getting through the whole game without killing gives you a bonus item in a replay. I wish that games would mesh the trophy rewards with actual in-game rewards.
What are your thoughts on them?
Personally, I...kinda like them. It gives the game some more replay value because you obsessively try to get that coveted platinum trophy (for achieving every trophy for that game). When I'm playing a game on PS3, I like hearing that "ting!" noise that I've gotten a trophy. Heck, just this past Sunday, I had a video game day and went about trying to get as many trophies as I could for Smackdown vs. RAW 2010. It's the first game that I actually want to try getting all the trophies.
That said, my one qualm is that, even if you manage to achieve some of those harder trophies, they don't always mesh with the game. Aside from extra experience and personal satisfaction, there's no reward for getting all of The Riddler's riddles in Arkham Asylum.
I just think of games like, say, Metal Gear Solid, where your reward for getting through the whole game without killing gives you a bonus item in a replay. I wish that games would mesh the trophy rewards with actual in-game rewards.