not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

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Want a good way to ensure I don't go to your shitty band's concert? Place your flier in my car's window wipers where I'll only notice it after I start to back out of the parking lot.
Want a good way to ensure I don't go to your shitty band's concert? Place your flier in my car's window wipers where I'll only notice it after I start to back out of the parking lot.
Sorry about that... next time I'll break your window and leave it on the front seat where you'll notice it right away...

Enter the apartment and it smells like rats. Move to the next half of the living room and it smells like paint. Now the toilet's not flushing properly, so I wonder what it will smell like near the bedroom soon.

(Admittedly, the paint is my fault and someone's coming to fix the toilet despite it being Thanksgiving, but I have the urge to spray Febreeze over the whole damn house.)


I don't play WoW. I don't understand it, I don't get the appeal, I don't know the lore, the history, it never sucked me and I don't want to know about it. I don't know the slang, it's like an entirely new language to me.

I'm not ranting about that. But! I am ranting about my friend who only talks about WoW, skips class to play WoW, gets depressed about WoW, and insists on doing all these things to me despite the fact that the only thing I can possibly say is "I...see..." since it makes no sense to me at all! She has friends who play WoW, friends in WoW, so why? Why is she telling me? I have explained time and again that I don't care, and I don't want to hear about it because it makes the conversation very dull and one-sided but she insists on it!

I played - and play - WoW and I can't fucking stand it when people talk about the game in conversation. I'll discuss some game changes here and there, but I don't care about your guild exploits in X dungeon. I don't care.
I don't play WoW. I don't understand it, I don't get the appeal, I don't know the lore, the history, it never sucked me and I don't want to know about it. I don't know the slang, it's like an entirely new language to me.

I'm not ranting about that. But! I am ranting about my friend who only talks about WoW, skips class to play WoW, gets depressed about WoW, and insists on doing all these things to me despite the fact that the only thing I can possibly say is "I...see..." since it makes no sense to me at all! She has friends who play WoW, friends in WoW, so why? Why is she telling me? I have explained time and again that I don't care, and I don't want to hear about it because it makes the conversation very dull and one-sided but she insists on it!

I played - and play - WoW and I can't fucking stand it when people talk about the game in conversation. I'll discuss some game changes here and there, but I don't care about your guild exploits in X dungeon. I don't care.[/QUOTE]

I got a text at three in the morning that she couldn't sleep. She was stressed about a patch that was coming for Cataclysm. Just shoot me.
I got a text at three in the morning that she couldn't sleep. She was stressed about a patch that was coming for Cataclysm. Just shoot me.
This can be arranged. Or, alternately, I could arrange to have her... removed from play.

In all seriousness, she is taking this far, FAR too seriously, and needs help.


Staff member
Oy. Yeah, even when I played WoW I didn't like talking about it. I can talk about other games I play, but that one just makes a conversation feel so tedious. It's part of why I sometimes dread hanging with my boyfriend's brother and wife. They're always trying to get us back on. Even when I say it's never going to happen, they persist, "Well so anyway I was playing with ___ and we were doing a raid at _____ and I had a ________ sword of __________, etc etc...." It's boring and rude. It's like politely turning away a Mormon at your door and then having him lean on the doorbell until you just give in out of sheer exhaustion.

Telling me about WoW is up there with how many shots you did last night. Don't care.
I played for about a month and I just couldn't enjoy it. It was work. She was level 80 so she just wanted me to play until I could play with her and raid but I wasn't gonna budget time around a game and I didn't have time to do nothing but level and I never liked it. I think for her, though, it was a window that I opened and she thinks somehow, despite more than a year of inactivity, I'll get back to it. Instead I just end up getting into fights with her, she promises not to mention it and then an hour later it's "I hate running the Caves of Weirdname but I need to get the Helm of Hilariousfaces."

Speaking of people who text me at weird hours, just to add to the rant: I have this friend who got a job at the same hotel I work at. She works night audit (11PM to 7AM) whereas I work days or evenings (7-3 or 3-11). She has a habit, though, of texting me on her breaks... At like 3 or 4AM. AGH. My phone is always on (vibrate at night), and I am a light sleeper. The worst part is that really I have terrible insomnia so I'm frequently awake when she texts, but guess what? at three AM I don't want to be answering inane questions, I find that time is better spent at least trying to sleep. Now that I have a smartphone I can create a custom ring profile (I think) so maybe I'll just make her silent and no vibrate all the time, and I'll just see them when I see them. I never respond either, and I've told her directly to stop buuuuuuuuuut no.

My life is a horrible stressful experience right now and yet it's these two relatively tiny repetitive occurrences that are so infuriating!

I got a text at three in the morning that she couldn't sleep. She was stressed about a patch that was coming for Cataclysm. Just shoot me.
This can be arranged.[/QUOTE]

Alright let's do this. How soon can you get to Edmonton, Alberta?
Chad Sexington changed his name to something that is not Chad Sexington.

<---- how I feel about all this.
Chad Sexington changed his name to something that is not Chad Sexington.

<---- how I feel about all this.
He changed it back to what it was before, and I for one, am glad. I could never remember who Chad Sexington was. The ability to change our names confuses me. For example, I know Calleja's still around, (until the day he dies, gorrammit!) but I can't for the life of me remember what his handle is anymore.


Ok so I went to a chinese buffet place tonight (Yes it is chinese american and I know it is not authentic chinese food blah blah blah to the person who will no doubt feel the need to point this out. He knows who he is.)

What I want to know is why do these buffets always seem to have bananas covered in some kind of strawberry syrup? Now I don't like buffets in general so Chinese buffets are really the only ones I go to so maybe this is a universal buffet feature. But who is the brilliant mind who thought "you know what would go great with this sesame chicken? bananas covered in some kind of mysterious vaguely strawberry flavored syrup!"

Guess it is just one of those things.
Ok so I went to a chinese buffet place tonight (Yes it is chinese american and I know it is not authentic chinese food blah blah blah to the person who will no doubt feel the need to point this out. He knows who he is.)

What I want to know is why do these buffets always seem to have bananas covered in some kind of strawberry syrup? Now I don't like buffets in general so Chinese buffets are really the only ones I go to so maybe this is a universal buffet feature. But who is the brilliant mind who thought "you know what would go great with this sesame chicken? bananas covered in some kind of mysterious vaguely strawberry flavored syrup!"

Guess it is just one of those things.
That sounds disgusting, never seen it before.

Over here you get some really weird things passing off as western food at western buffets. Considering China lumps everything that is European, South American and North American into one catagory (or rather any country with white skinned people), half the time when I'm forced to go to these places, I have no idea what I'm eating.

I'm okay with the all you can drink heinekin and hagen daz though.[/QUOTE]

We usually get Carlsberg


Well done I wanted to make a scooby doo joke but i couldnt figure out how to do it.

Pictures worth a thousand words i guess.


Staff member
Ok so I went to a chinese buffet place tonight (Yes it is chinese american and I know it is not authentic chinese food blah blah blah to the person who will no doubt feel the need to point this out. He knows who he is.)

What I want to know is why do these buffets always seem to have bananas covered in some kind of strawberry syrup? Now I don't like buffets in general so Chinese buffets are really the only ones I go to so maybe this is a universal buffet feature. But who is the brilliant mind who thought "you know what would go great with this sesame chicken? bananas covered in some kind of mysterious vaguely strawberry flavored syrup!"

Guess it is just one of those things.
That sounds disgusting, never seen it before.

Over here you get some really weird things passing off as western food at western buffets. Considering China lumps everything that is European, South American and North American into one catagory (or rather any country with white skinned people), half the time when I'm forced to go to these places, I have no idea what I'm eating.

I'm okay with the all you can drink heinekin and hagen daz though. [/QUOTE]

What?! Free beer?! That's sociali... oh wait. :p
I ordered Gamma World yesterday from Amazon, one-day shipping, since my cousins are coming over this weekend and I felt it'd be an easier game for them to get the hang of than D&D.
Now Amazon says there was a delay and they refunded my one-day shipping, but the updated delivery date is today... So am I getting it today or not? Did they expect to get it to me yesterday or something? (I wouldn't be shocked considering how oddly fast we get Amazon stuff thanks to our proximity to a shipping location of theirs, but still.) Wish I knew one way or the other. It's annoying.


Staff member
Sprained my leg working out this morning :( It doesn't hurt much, but it feels like someone's pulled a knot in the muscles of my left calf. Hurts a little when walking, growing a little with each step.

Not to mention counter-inducive to going out with some friends tonight :( No buses, no place to park a car, having to keep the leg at rest all the time... this sucks.
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