not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

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My parents were always like "Chistmas is going to be slim this year"...they said that every year although it usually wasn't true. They always had at least 1 "big-ticket" item for me, my brother and my sister. For us though, Christmas was about all the time BEFORE that day. We had a tradition called "little boxes". My mom had 24 small boxes with a slip of paper in each one. We'd take turns picking one per day until Christmas. We had stuff like Make Christmas Cookies, See Christmas lights, Watch a movie, Play Hide and Seek (Loved that one), Do a puppet show, Sing Carols, Make a Pizza, Play a game together, etc. From Dec 1st-24th. I looked forward to it every year and it was a way to make sure we did things as a family every day until Christmas Day.
I think this is a fantastic tradition! Any qualms about adopting it into my own family?[/QUOTE]

Ha, of course not. Anything to bring families together for Christmas is a good thing in my book.
My parents were always like "Chistmas is going to be slim this year"...they said that every year although it usually wasn't true. They always had at least 1 "big-ticket" item for me, my brother and my sister. For us though, Christmas was about all the time BEFORE that day. We had a tradition called "little boxes". My mom had 24 small boxes with a slip of paper in each one. We'd take turns picking one per day until Christmas. We had stuff like Make Christmas Cookies, See Christmas lights, Watch a movie, Play Hide and Seek (Loved that one), Do a puppet show, Sing Carols, Make a Pizza, Play a game together, etc. From Dec 1st-24th. I looked forward to it every year and it was a way to make sure we did things as a family every day until Christmas Day.
I think this is a fantastic tradition! Any qualms about adopting it into my own family?[/QUOTE]

Ha, of course not. Anything to bring families together for Christmas is a good thing in my book.[/QUOTE]

I'm with O_C I want in on this tradition. I have discovered that Jet is hyperactive, just like his father...may need this in the future to help curb the excitement. :)
My parents were always like "Chistmas is going to be slim this year"...they said that every year although it usually wasn't true. They always had at least 1 "big-ticket" item for me, my brother and my sister. For us though, Christmas was about all the time BEFORE that day. We had a tradition called "little boxes". My mom had 24 small boxes with a slip of paper in each one. We'd take turns picking one per day until Christmas. We had stuff like Make Christmas Cookies, See Christmas lights, Watch a movie, Play Hide and Seek (Loved that one), Do a puppet show, Sing Carols, Make a Pizza, Play a game together, etc. From Dec 1st-24th. I looked forward to it every year and it was a way to make sure we did things as a family every day until Christmas Day.
I think this is a fantastic tradition! Any qualms about adopting it into my own family?[/QUOTE]

Ha, of course not. Anything to bring families together for Christmas is a good thing in my book.[/QUOTE]

I'm with O_C I want in on this tradition. I have discovered that Jet is hyperactive, just like his father...may need this in the future to help curb the excitement. :)[/QUOTE]

When I was growing up we did pretty much the same thing. Only instead of small little boxes we made a Christmas Chain and each chain had something written on the back and each day we would tear one of the chains off and do whatever the chain said to do. (watch a Christmas movie,etc)


One of my classmates posted this on her FB:
"That evidence final was akin to being punched in the soul."

That... is exactly what it was like. Sigh.


I saw, on Facebook, a picture of the guy (then kid) who made my 7th and 8th grade year a living hell dressed as a very feminine peter pan. I want to mock him. But I'm all mature and shit and I can't.



Damn it! I can't get revenge and those marshmallow cake ball things covered in coconut don't taste nearly as good as they once did!


Ok they are racking up tonight

My mom texted me my sister is in jail, let me put on my surprised face, we don't know for what or for how long. Meh

But then she messaged me that one of my sister's friends needed to stop by to get an mp3 player. My mom tells her she can get it for her but the friend said she needed to get something else too. So my stepdad goes up to watch her, because we dont trust these people, and she (a person who was not the original friend who called) pull out to gallon jugs of booze out of the buffet.

WTF my sister. What else does she have hidden in the house? I dont even want to know. And how the hell long was that there. Because I had to throw out my amaretto that I have for baking because when her girlfriend, who is on parole, lived at the house we couldn't have ANY alcohol.

I am considering going to SoDak on my road trip after I get out, it sounds like some people up there know how to party. Can you put me in touch with them?
I contracted an illness on my birthday, I couldn't celebrate said birthday because there isn't anybody down yet. I have no X-mas break whatsoever. This is a day I'd like to fall asleep and never wake.
I wish certain people could let things go, just not cause trouble.

Also wish UPS would friggin' leave notes on our door when they've attempted delivery and are going to leave things at our apartment office.


Staff member

Pills I can take. Lotions, no sweat. Getting a shot, ain't a problem. Sipping foul-tasting medicines, it's a breeze.

But I just fucking hate this hemorrhoid medication!!
Koreans at my work: "We will get paid an extra 1,000RMB a month because we have to work with foreigners"
Me "If I said I get paid an extra $10 an hour back home because I have to work with black people, would you find a problem with this?"
Them: ".........".

I mean geez, even if its true, why would you phrase it that way?
Koreans at my work: "We will get paid an extra 1,000RMB a month because we have to work with foreigners" Me "If I said I get paid an extra $10 an hour back home because I have to work with black people, would you find a problem with this?" Them: ".........". I mean geez, even if its true, why would you phrase it that way?
Don't you live and work in China? Aren't the Koreans themselves technically foreigners?
I had a mentorish kind of figure in my life, and we have an awesome relationship until the girl she was courting and I drunkenly (and awkwardly) kissed. I don't think he has forgiven me, and it makes me feel awful.

Edit: Also, I just had to block on facebook a guy who used to bully me at school and kept sending me friendship requests, invites, pokes and other stuff just to harass me.
Since school started in September, I've been biking back and forth. It's about a 17 kilometer ride. Takes me no more than an hour, depending on traffic.

Sadly, it seems that winter has finally arrived. We had our first snowfall in Toronto the other day. Not much, but it brought the colder weather with it.

And I just don't think I can do the cold weather biking. And my worries about biking on snowy or icy conditions adds into that.

So, looks like I'll be doing the transit thing for school, from now on. I might do the biking thing if it's not too far, like work or going downtown (which isn't that far for me).


Staff member
My sister baked a cake today for a Christmas party on Monday. She turned her back on it for less than a minute, and one of our cats got on the counter and started nomming. She cut out the eaten part, and set it on a different part of the counter, but later that evening our new little kitten was up nibbling at the edges!


wtf is in that cake? I couldn't bribe my cats to eat cake.

Well maybe Tort. Apparently he's gotten so fat my stepdad said he must be pregnant. Worst Vet Ever.


Staff member
wtf is in that cake? I couldn't bribe my cats to eat cake.

Well maybe Tort. Apparently he's gotten so fat my stepdad said he must be pregnant. Worst Vet Ever.
The first cat to get in the cake, Phoebe, is also known as "the Bread Bandit". We don't know why, but she sometimes goes nuts for bread, usually when the weather is cold. She'll chew through plastic bags to get to the bread/buns inside.

I'm not sure why little Scooter decided to take a nibble, though. Maybe he was just curious. The cake isn't too strange, it's an Italian Cream Cake, and it wasn't even frosted yet.
This video review I'm doing is turning out pretty bad: bad lighting, bad acting, bad script, bad sound, bad everything. And I'm doing it alone, so I don't even have anyone else to blame.
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