not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

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But I'm the one receiving mail this time.

Not that makare's statement is any less true because of that.
Vagabond, I don't see how that makes MY statement any less true either and I find my honor besmirched by the implication.

Because I enjoy exploiting every advantage I can in order to increase my chances of winning, dear boy. In this case, I'm playing against your own cultural predispositions.

So what is it Mr. Bond? Pistols at dawn or are you yellow?

*polishes his monocle*
I have just been burned by Poe's Law while mocking someone's Facebook status, and as Bob is my witness I don't know how to respond. (Props to the good lady ZenMonkey for introducing me to Poe's Law BTW.)


Staff member
Last night I get a phone call from a friend of mine. Seems that his laptop has been infected by a parasite program and he's dead in the water. He asks if I'd take a look at it since Dell said they'd do it for $129. Again. See, this happened to him once before, but the last time it was a virus from an image and he had no protection. Now he has protection but he got one of those popup "OMFG YOU'RE PC IS INFECTED!! CLICK HERE TO FIX!" and then the program which loaded on his PC at that time took everything over. He could run no programs or anything. Basically I had to boot it in safe mode, run a shit-ton of diagnostics and remove it.

So why is this a mini-rant? When I was talking to him about it last night and he asked me to take a look at it I said, "Sure, man. Bring it over." To which he responded, "Nah. I'm just sitting here. Do you want to come over tomorrow to look at it?"

I sat there a second and then said the same thing to him that I say to everyone who pulls this crap: "Let me get this straight. You call and ask me for a favor and want me to expend all the effort? If it were a desktop I could understand it. But as this is a laptop there's no way I'M running to YOUR place to fix it. You know where I live."

I know that makes me sound like a dick but why should I trek over to his house in the snow & cold when he could bring it to me?


Was it the same virus I had? The antivirus action one?

I wish death and pain on the person who created that thing.
I'm with you on that one Dave. One time I went over to person's place for tech support but demanded they make dinner too. :)
I don't really help out friends that fry their computer over and over again. I once spent 3 hours fixing my sis-in-law's pc, and in 30 minutes after I walked away from the desk, she downloaded and clicked accept to the same free spyware/antivirus tools.
Steinman posted a story, which led to a web site (Ichor Falls), which led me to another website (creepypasta), which led me to this.

Which one of you can come over to rock me to sleep tonight?
Okay, last couple of days have been just, UGH!

Tuesday, I get off work late by almost an hour (yes, I got paid for it, but I had stuff that needed to be done) and because I was an idiot I missed getting my late payment in to the phone company (which I'll get to in a minute). Get home, wife goes down to gym to walk on treadmill, I fix supper (just ground turkey manwich, but it was good) and she gets back home and we eat, just as finishing up we get a call from her father. He's been out of town for business and is on the way home, they've had a pipe burst under their kitchen sink sometime during the day and could we go over and give her mom a hand (not a problem, we like each other) but that blows up me studying for a lesson that I'm teaching on Wednesday evening. We go over and get everything cleaned up, about a 1/2 inch layer of water over a LARGE kitchen floor (about 200 square feet), but luckily nothing was damaged (other than pipe, WIN!). Get home, get a little studying done, go to bed.

Wednesday morning, internet off (yeah missing bill paying! ), shirt I was planning to wear to work didn't get dried and just general BLERG morning. Work all day, as I'm leaving work I can feel that something is wrong with the drivers side front wheel, pull back into parking lot, find a backing to one of those clothing style security tags embedded in the tire (those things have about a 2 inch long nail in them, stupid thieves), can't get it out of the tire because my pliers aren't in the car, decide it's okay to drive the mile or so home on it. Get home, rest for a few minutes, study a little more, get ready to leave to go to church and head out to car, where I notice that the tire is getting a little low (slow leak from the nail thing) so head over to get it patched at Wally World, (also short drive) where I discover that I have tire problems worse than I thought, there is steel thread coming out of the inside rim of the wheel, so tire must be replaced... except that they don't have the size needed to do this. So back into the car, and over to a tire place near that store (also short drive) and call to let everyone know that I will be late for the lesson that I'm supposed to teach ( I hate failing on a commitment that I make, but.... ), at other tire place, they are five minutes from closing, but no other customers are there. They have a tire (it's an odd, but becoming more used, size) and get it changed out for me. WIN! Get to church late, find out that our time have been drastically shortened since our choir is going out to a local home for mentally challenged (but they do some love to enjoy themselves and live their life) to sing carols and a couple of other songs for them.

Oh, obviously I got the bill paid for the internet.

Thanks for putting up with me on this, I feel better now.


Staff member
You know, I've had something recently with tires just as you had. Turns out that the way tires USED to be you could patch/fix them. Now, though, if you get a leak they can't easily fix them and have to replace the whole tire...which costs a lot more money. Hmmm. Wonder how that ever happened...
I have had excellent luck having modern tires patched and repaired as long as there isn't damage to the belts/cording. Those vulcanizing rubber plug patches they use can work wonders. Not sure what kind of melarky these guys may or may not be trying to pull on you.
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