Star Wars Blu-Ray

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Element 117

Star Wars Coming to Blu-Ray Fall 2011! - Cinematical

Includes a "never before seen" deleted sequence, but will not include the original trilogies because "bringing the original films to blu ray quality would be cost prohibitive." or something like that.

That sound you might have heard Saturday afternoon? It was the collective groan of Star Wars fanboys and fanboys when they (and we) learned at the Star Wars Celebration V (via IGN) that the Star Wars trilogies are coming to Blu-Ray next fall (as in 2011, not 2010) . Sounds like good, if not great, news right? True to form, George Lucas plans to release both trilogies as part of one set (meaning you can't buy them separately or by trilogy) and you won't be able to choose between the theatrical versions and the remastered versions (you'll get the latter, but not the former).

As with the previous releases on VHS, DVD, special editions, etc., Lucas is counting on "true fans" to purchase the Star Wars trilogies in a new format. That might sound cynical, but Lucas is right: some fans might complain about this or that preference or having to purchase both trilogies when they really want the original trilogy, minus the late 1990s' changes Lucas made to better match his vision for the films, but ultimately they'll purchase the rejiggered, remastered versions collectively or, at some unspecified point in the future, the original trilogy separately.

There is good news, though. As with previous releases, the Blu-Ray set will "utilizi[e] the highest possible picture and audio presentation, along with extensive special features [and include] documentaries, vintage behind-the-scenes moments, interviews, retrospectives, and never-before-seen footage from the LucasFilm archives." Fans were given a preview of things to come when Lucas premiered a never-before-deleted shot from Return of the Jedi of Luke Skywalker completing work on his new lightsabler before the attempt to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hut.

A fan uploaded the footage to YouTube. It's slightly murky, but worth it for the audience reaction on the soundtrack:

And in Other news, Gary Kurtz (Producer) Thinks Lucas fucked it (Star Wars) up:
Did 'Star Wars' become a toy story? Producer Gary Kurtz looks back [Updated] | Hero Complex | Los Angeles Times


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Star Wars fans are tools.
Star Wars basically is something I'll no longer spend money on unless someone I personally know had a part in that product.

Philosopher B.

The discussed ending of the film that Kurtz favored presented the rebel forces in tatters, Leia grappling with her new duties as queen and Luke walking off alone “like Clint Eastwood in the spaghetti westerns,” as Kurtz put it.

Kurtz said that ending would have been a more emotionally nuanced finale to an epic adventure than the forest celebration of the Ewoks that essentially ended the trilogy with a teddy bear luau.
Oh, man, that ending would have been rad.
I'm gonna go with that explanation, because I prefer the big boom and dance.

Not to mention, anyone saying they'd want that ending instead gives Lucas a pass on all the edits and shit he's done to the original trilogy.

And there will be more. New format for the movies? Oh yes, this is a chance for Lucas to get the films even closer to his "true vision", maybe tidy up Jabba's CG a little more, add a few more dewbacks around Tatooine--you know, more of that quality shit.


So no theatrical version of the original trilogy, plus I can't even get the shitty versions without paying for three crap movies I have no intention of ever seeing again? No thanks George.
I am proud to say I still own the original trilogy in its pristine state in letterbox VHS. And I have not and will not buy the "fixed' versions of something never broken. Well, except for the muppets in RotJ. But he never fixed that. Yes, the quality is shit, but sometimes being a stubborn son of a bitch has its own satisfaction.
I own the original trilogy (normal version) on DVD. I would buy the original trilogy original versions on blu-ray if I could get ANH, ESB, and Jedi. No more, no less.

Element 117

It occurred to me that for the next "anniversary" date Lucasfilm will rerelease the films in 3D. And there will be a "deleted" scene of the Emperor taking a shit or something similar.


I am proud to say I still own the original trilogy in its pristine state in letterbox VHS. And I have not and will not buy the "fixed' versions of something never broken. Well, except for the muppets in RotJ. But he never fixed that. Yes, the quality is shit, but sometimes being a stubborn son of a bitch has its own satisfaction.

Is that worth anything anymore? I still have that boxed set released back in like 1997 with all the original movies (prior to the digital editing). STAR WARS TRILOGY VHS TAPE BOX SET by DEBESTA


---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 AM ----------

Doesn't everyone know by now that this is standard procedure for Lucas and that in 5 years or so he will release both trilogies separately to make more monies?

---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 PM ----------

addendum: I still have yet to see Episode III and don't remember much from Episode II. What I do remember from Episode I is the overly long Pod Race (though it was kinda neat at the same time) and being annoyed by Jar Jar, though not to the extent as many other people. The biggest thing that irked me from the prequels is the plastic look of the much too fake and overused CGI. It was still a kinda new toy and Lucas used it too soon, it did not blend with the live action footage at all, ruining any immersion that could've been had.

I'm not really bugged that much by the changed made to the OT. The new Cantina band scene is kinda kewl and the few CGI Jabba insertions are not really that bad either. Han totally should have shot first though.

He doesn't give a shit about the movies. He re-releases them every five years or so to bring back interest in the toys.


It occurred to me that for the next "anniversary" date Lucasfilm will rerelease the films in 3D. And there will be a "deleted" scene of the Emperor taking a shit or something similar.
It was actually supposed to be the last anniversary (the 30th), but George changed his mind. Although last I heard, he'd changed his mind again, and with 3D taking off, I'm sure it'll happen.
I will enjoy the "superfullofcrap" versions of the original trilogy in HD until he puts out the classic theatrical versions in BR.
I have the original versions on DVD that were released in something like 2004 as a double disc version with the special edition. I watched the original SW and, aside from Han shooting first, I liked the special editions more. I'm guessing that this release is where we will get the CGI Yoda for Episode 1 that was featured in the special features of the Episode III DVD. I'm curious to see what changes will have been made, cleaned up, and what special features we will get.

This is one of the blu-rays I've been waiting for.
I never bought the prequels or the original trilogy on DVD. I have the "special edition" trilogy from 1997 on VHS, and watched it once (after seeing it in the theaters). I love Star Wars as a setting, and there are authors who can do great things with it, at least until Lucas becomes aware of it, at which point any interesting developments are crushed and retconned out of existence (the Republic Commando series, for example).
Eventually they will release a version that will pause at each of the changes Lucas made and the viewer will get to choose what they see. (Do you want to see Han shoot first?, Do you want to see Han talk to Jaba at the Cantina? Etc).
Meh. When are the extended editions of LOTR coming out on Blu-Ray?

Why do they even bother with the theatrical editions of those movies?[/QUOTE]

Uh... why do you think? The theatrical editions are THE movies. They are the best and most well rounded cut of the films that exists. I love the extended but the theatrical flow far better.
Meh. When are the extended editions of LOTR coming out on Blu-Ray?

Why do they even bother with the theatrical editions of those movies?[/QUOTE]

Uh... why do you think? The theatrical editions are THE movies. They are the best and most well rounded cut of the films that exists. I love the extended but the theatrical flow far better.[/QUOTE]

After watching the extended versions, the theatrical ones seem incomplete, some moreso than others. The extended Fellowship feels perfect to me. Extended Two Towers--there's a number of scenes that over-exposit, or recap stuff that's already been recapped, and I think the only crucial piece missing is the flashback to Boromir and Faramir. Return of the King is a little more mixed up, as there's some stuff I feel was appropriately cut (the collapsing ghost cave, for example) while other stuff should be in there (like Saruman and Wormtongue). But overall, I prefer watching the Extended versions.
I love the Extended Editions of LotR, but it's kind of hit and miss for me. Mostly hit, but there are some glaringly bad things, like how they do the "Aaragon charging and then a horde of ghosts charge past/through him" twice. And the theatrical versions just a smoother flow to them.

*sigh* But then, the EE's also have my favourite scene ever, in Two Towers, with the final tally between Gimli and...shoot, I've blanked on the elf's name. Starts with an L. Anyway, I just love that whole scene. "He was twitchin', cause he's got MY axe buried in his skull!"
I love the Extended Editions of LotR, but it's kind of hit and miss for me. Mostly hit, but there are some glaringly bad things, like how they do the "Aaragon charging and then a horde of ghosts charge past/through him" twice. And the theatrical versions just a smoother flow to them.

*sigh* But then, the EE's also have my favourite scene ever, in Two Towers, with the final tally between Gimli and...shoot, I've blanked on the elf's name. Starts with an L. Anyway, I just love that whole scene. "He was twitchin', cause he's got MY axe buried in his skull!"
Legolas, ya bastard!

Yeah, I forgot that was only in the theatrical version. I haven't seen the theatrical version since the midnight show when it came out. That night was a blast, even though I had to go to school 3 hours after I got home.

Honestly, it'd just be nice to have the Extended Editions each on one disc so you don't have to switch DVDs in the middle of the movie.
Honestly, it'd just be nice to have the Extended Editions each on one disc so you don't have to switch DVDs in the middle of the movie.

There was a DVD release like this a few years ago, actually. It was low on special features (like maybe one set of commentary instead of four), extended and all on one disc. Don't think it got a very wide release.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I watch the Extended too, but I recognize the theatrical cuts are tighter and more efficient, thats all.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I watch the Extended too, but I recognize the theatrical cuts are tighter and more efficient, thats all.
you die in a fire with the rest come Z Day, bub. I promise.[/QUOTE]

You're the finest lady in the land.[/QUOTE]

He's already proved he's dead inside.[/QUOTE]

No argument here.

And actually, I'll make another argument for the EE--Frodo receiving the Light of Earendil only happens in the EE of Fellowship, but it's a crucial item in RoTK; his suddenly having it in RoTK without viewing the EE of Fellowship is a bit of a plot hole if you haven't read the books.
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