Help me find out WTF this charge is!

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I got a $30 charge in my PayPal today. I have no idea what it is but it says "6 months recurring for V.I.P. Access. Let me show you the information:

Name: Zaharia Cristian (The recipient of this subscription is [B]Non-U.S. - Verified[/B])   Email:   Subscription Date: Mar 4, 2010   Time: 06:18:56 PST   Status: Active   Next Payment Date: Mar 4, 2011   Amount: $30.00 USD   Subscription Terms: $30.00 USD for each 6 months
     Item Name: V.I.P Subscription - 6 months Subscription   Item Number: cebd78366a77715f705a5e2039413140
I left in the name and email on purpose to aid in searching. Did my son order porn using my PayPal? Is it something for the boards I signed up for and promptly forgot? I don't know. I can't find ANYTHING on it!


All I can see is a chached page with the following.

Hi there,

This is the first time I ask here for money, but I really need 35$.
I have a VPS where I host important sites (schools, etc) and unfortunately, I can't pay it this month due to some big family problems.

If there is someone that can donate 35$ or borrow me, I'd be grateful to him.
Lifetime VIP is also yours as a reward.

I need this today because it's overdue.

Many thanks,

My paypal is: adrianstefan92[at]gmail[dot]com
why you paid it I'll never know!
registrant for - Maffia Scripts Invision Power Board
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Created on............: 23 Jul 2009 20:44:39 EST
Expires on............: 23 Jul 2010 20:44:39 EST
Record last updated on: 23 Jul 2009 20:44:39 EST
Status................: REDEMPTION

Owner, Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Billing Contact:
Adrian Zaharia (ID00419041)
Cosntanta, Romania
Constanta, RO 907210
Phone: +40.734363577

Domain servers in listed order:

NS2.NL.SANTREX.NET | McAfee SiteAdvisor Software
Rating: Adware, spyware, or viruses

Between Feb and April 2010 this site was detected and listed as a malware distribution site at
doesn't look good.


Staff member
Interesting. I'll bet they set it up as a 6 month thing so people don't notice. Now to block it through PayPal.

Son of a bitch. Oh well, at least it was only $30. Not worth going to the law over, which is something I'll bet they count on.
You could probably get this reversed easily. 6 Month V.I.P access makes it sound like a porn subscription, which is something PayPal forbids it's use for. Even if you don't get your money back, you'd be able to get the account taken down and all his profits voided.
Interesting. I'll bet they set it up as a 6 month thing so people don't notice. Now to block it through PayPal.

Son of a bitch. Oh well, at least it was only $30. Not worth going to the law over, which is something I'll bet they count on.
I had a $7.50 bad charge on my paypal account once, and after filling out their resolution support form it was refunded in a few days. Go ahead and ask paypal for your money back.


Staff member
After checking further into this, it's a semi-legitimate site. It's a place called ********.com and is a hacking/warez site. Seems my son wanted a pirated game. He wasn't aware it was recurring.



After checking further into this, it's a semi-legitimate site. It's a place called ********.com and is a hacking/warez site. Seems my son wanted a pirated game. He wasn't aware it was recurring.

Do you regularly let your son use your credit card?

This makes those prepaid credit cards at Walmart look SOOO much more attractive!


Staff member
Matt²;435927 said:
After checking further into this, it's a semi-legitimate site. It's a place called ********.com and is a hacking/warez site. Seems my son wanted a pirated game. He wasn't aware it was recurring.

Do you regularly let your son use your credit card?

This makes those prepaid credit cards at Walmart look SOOO much more attractive!
It was my fault as I forgot to log out of my account in Win 7. So when he went in it auto-populated my PayPal stuff. It won't happen again.
It was my fault as I forgot to log out of my account in Win 7. So when he went in it auto-populated my PayPal stuff. It won't happen again.
:mad: No. Don't blame yourself for not automatically thinking at every instant that a family member you should be able to trust would steal your cash for something trivial.


Dave;435930 said:
Matt²;435927 said:
After checking further into this, it's a semi-legitimate site. It's a place called ********.com and is a hacking/warez site. Seems my son wanted a pirated game. He wasn't aware it was recurring.

Do you regularly let your son use your credit card?

This makes those prepaid credit cards at Walmart look SOOO much more attractive!
It was my fault as I forgot to log out of my account in Win 7. So when he went in it auto-populated my PayPal stuff. It won't happen again.
Uhh.. no.. I'm gonna have to disagree on that ..

See, in my book that's grounds for.. well, grounding. Unless he told you about it or you guys have an understanding? Not telling you how to raise your kids, just saying if this is something that happened to me, (and it has before) I would RAISE THE ROOF. ...and then nail it back down again. =D


Staff member
More than likely he asked me about it and I forgot. He was working at the time but doesn't have a PayPal or credit card. So I'm not going to raise the roof as it very well could be more innocent than that. I don't remember authorizing it and he doesn't remember asking. Turns out the script he got from there didn't work anyway so it was really worth the $60.

I'm going to cancel the account as I don't like downloading illegal scripts.

And WTF is up with a nulled/warez site charging?!? That's just odd and a little ironic.
I see. I know you're often up against a wall in these cases. I just didn't want you blaming yourself if it was one of those times.


Staff member
Meh. It's only $30. So I ain't gonna raise a big stink and start a fight I'm not sure I should be starting. Marital & familial bliss is worth much, much more than $30.


right right.. got it...

now.. to properly derail this thread.. in response to the original question..

You might want to get a security key for your paypal account. Then even though everything is filled in, you still have to have the security key to complete the transaction.
Can't you teach your son to torrent, like everyone else? :p

Seriously, though that sucks. I agree with the security key sentiment, in any case. That said, could have been much worse.


Staff member
Guess what hit my account again yesterday? Yup. Same thing. So I have to track this shit down again. Also, there's another one from "Engelien Boersma" and I have no fucking clue who this is, either. Add in the fact that these two together overdrew my fucking account and it's a much bigger deal than it was last time. Mother fuckers. I KNOW I disabled this in PayPal and yet it's here again. God damn it.​


Staff member
Note on the Engeline one, I had money in September and this could be legitimate. But man is it coincidental. I canceled both of them and changed my PayPal password.



Staff member
Sweet! I know exactly who these guys are. Didn't realize it was auto-recurring, but you live and learn, I guess.

How the hell did you find that? I've been Googling these yahoos for a couple days!
I googled "Silver subscription package €20" without the quotes and it was the first result. The key part of the search term seemed to be the Euro sign, as previous searches without it just led me to random crap.


Staff member
Likely a silly question, but did you check what accounts/vendors are allowed to automatically bill you?
I did but it had no information about the sites themselves. I got email address, but hotmail and gmail don't help find things, usually.


Staff member
One thing that I learned about paypal, is sometimes if you set up a recurring payment in it, it doesn't cancel itself when you cancel what you're paying for. Found that one out the hard way with a ventrilo server. Closed the server but the payment kept going for 2 months before I figured out what was going on. There was something I had to do in paypal itself to stop the payments from recurring.


Staff member
I would never tell anyone to use a pirate site nor do I have an account there already.
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