Oh man, I hope I am not making a mistake here. Figured I would give my two cents on the issue.
"Feminism" as a principle is very valid, it is about equality, but the word has over the years become tarnished by bad experiences with self-proclaimed "Feminists" that have take the term away from equality and more about better rights for woman (not equal, better). It sucks, because those are the people that others remember, I know it was always the ones I remembered.
Here is an example of what I mean. You may have a company owned by a man. Another man and a woman apply for a job, but the boss decides to hire the other man saying he thinks the man would be better for the job. This is pure fuel for a feminist rally and I have seen those happen in the past. Now switch the event, and have a woman hire a woman because she thinks a woman would be better for the job over the man that applied, and you will probably barely see a whisper from "Feminists" about such gender profiling, because it is in a woman's favor.
There was one story recently about a reporter entering the locker room of a NFL football team for an interview. A few of the guys whistled at her, which has lead her to sue the team for sexual harassment. While I don't agree with the whistling, it made me realize, what would happen if a male reporter entered the female locker room for a WNBA event? Oh, that wouldn't happen, because it's considered bad taste. But still, if they whistled at him would he be able to sue for sexual harassment? Would anyone support him in that claim? Sadly, I don't think most "Feminists" would, it would be his fault for even being there.
Once again, I value "feminism" as a principle, but I can't call myself a feminist because the word has become tarnished in my mind are nothing but a misguided label, and way to specialized to gender issues alone. I prefer to say that I am in support of equality for all people, regardless of race, gender, or creed, because equality is not just about gender.