Just played the demo, which let me play 100 rounds.
I kind of like it. Though, it feels more slow-paced than Civ IV. It feels like it takes forever just to build
anything. But, I do like some of the changes, like the city states and, most importantly, allowing my archers to shoot stuff from far away. Now, they're not just sitting ducks, waiting to be picked upon by giant, stacked armies. I also like the change in civics, which seem to give you better bonuses.
Maybe it's just me, but I actually liked the religions aspect of Civ IV. I liked saying no to other civilizations because they were heathen bastards.
Unfortunately, my laptop is just not a very good gaming computer. Everything is slow as hell for me. It wouldn't even let me skip the opening cinematic right away. I hit every frigging button and it kept playing. Then again, my hatred for useless cutscenes in games is starting to grow and grow. In a game like this, an opening cinematic is pointless and useless.
Then again, I had to cut down on a number of things to speed up my gameplay some in other games. Civ IV, for example, I cut down a lot of the extra features to speed up the game, like videos (every bloody time you discover a new religion or create a new wonder, which gets annoying after awhile) and attack animations. From what I can tell (unless there's more options in the full game), they don't give you those options here.
If I had a better gaming rig, I'd probably get it. For now, I think I'll just stick with Civ IV.