Introduce Yourself!



Hey I think I liked you... welcome back.

If I didn't like you... disregard this message.


HEY I was wonderin about you the other day! Good to see you! Enjoyin' the house?
We are loving it, thanks!!! Loving the area, we're both close to where our parents live, and it's about four times the size of our old apartment. So all in all, pretty excellent!


Not real sure what to say here. I am not a computer geek, but I have a computer. I use it daily. I read the news, chat with friends, and look up random facts. Sometimes I play games. I enjoy playing mindless games on line while I chat with friends. I come from an abnormal family, at least abnormal for 2010. My parents have been married to each other for 30 years and they still love each other. I have an older brother and a younger brother. I am a spoiled brat and I like it that way.
My family is the same, parents have been married 20-something years now and they, my brother and myself get along just fine. We've got a fun (most of the time) little community here, odds are there'll be plenty of topics to weigh in on and/or start.

Also, inb4 'welcome to the insanity' post.
Greetings and salutations! Ponder carefully your feelings about steak and pizza, but be sure not to share them with folks here, lest ye provoke jihad.

Share your feelings, that is. If you have steak or pizza, you'd best be givving that stuff up, yo.


Staff member
Aww, I bet you could be off you tried! Cmon, Amy, give it the good old college try! ^_^ I won't cry, I promise.
No way.

I feel bad enough that I never could finish that painting of you.[/QUOTE]

It's cool. I have a hard-to-draw face.

Hey JENA! What's your favorite type of music? Also, I appreciate your views on coffee. ;)