Now that's an OLD COMPUTER!

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I got my mom's old computer out of storage today, it's been in a friend's attic since 2002. Mom's old computer is a Mac Performa 636.. which means it merits challenges doing ANYTHING.. Apple Macintosh Performa 636CD Specs @ this thing was purchased in September 1994.

The monitor (Thank God it has it's own monitor!) is not a standard VGA cable..
the hard drive is 256 MEGS.. not the 512 listed on the link above..
Maximum memory (ram) is 36 MEGS.
Modem (if I could even find it, which I don't want to dig into the bag with the Style Writer II printer..) is a 14.4 modem..
Processor is 33mhz.
There is a MacOS 8 upgrade disc that I had bought for her and the OS is running it.

So how much do you think I could get for it at a collector show? :D
I don't think you'd get much for a Performa. The Performa line isn't exactly "classic" in the Mac community, as they represent The Dark Ages. My first Mac was a Performa 6200 and it's considered one of the Worst Macs Ever. :lol:

I doesn't hurt to try, though, if you just want to get rid of it. You never know, someone may need an older Mac to run some System 7 or 8 apps.


I don't think you'd get much for a Performa. The Performa line isn't exactly "classic" in the Mac community, as they represent The Dark Ages. My first Mac was a Performa 6200 and it's considered one of the Worst Macs Ever. :lol:

I doesn't hurt to try, though, if you just want to get rid of it. You never know, someone may need an older Mac to run some System 7 or 8 apps.
I think the one I had was a PowerMac 6100 but I could be totally wrong on the number. I just remember it having a larger hard drive and a 66mhz cpu - woohoo!
I have a friend that sold Apples back in the early 80's. He received an original MAC from Jobs and Woz, that was signed by the entire development team.

He booted it up after having it in a closet for 10 years and it worked just fine.
Matt! Hey, I have the brother to that machine, the Performa 640CD (also known as the Performa 630 DOS Compatible). It has the same 33MHz 68040LC Processor, but it also has a built-in PC compatibility board with a 486 processor on it. It is by no means my oldest functioning Mac, but it is certainly one of the more interesting ones. Runs DOS and Win3.1 just fine, even does a little bit of Win95!



heh I had fun with the Simpletext voice speech, imitating Stephen Hawking's computer.


Staff member
The first computer that got me into computers was this beast, as owned by my grandfather:

Sure, before that, I played a game or two on my uncle's commodore 64, but this was the one that set me down the path to where I am today.

And believe it or not, that thing has a HANDLE on the back, and the keyboard attaches to cover the monitor and floppy drives to become a base, and it becomes a suitcase-looking thing you can lug around (though it weighed like 40 pounds).

At first, it had only two floppies. But later down the road, he replaced the second floppy with a whopping 20 meg hard drive.
Yeah Gas, my high school debate team carried one of those around. It was intimidating a hell to pull that out in a debate.... I don't think it was really worth the hassle of carrying it.


pffffft.... My dad had THIS
Kaypro and I loved playing LADDER (ascii game) on it, even though it routinely insulted me during teaser mode.
I use to play X-wing on a 386, which was later upgraded to a ZOMG 486 DX4 so I could play TIE Fighter smoothly.


Staff member
I use to play X-wing on a 386, which was later upgraded to a ZOMG 486 DX4 so I could play TIE Fighter smoothly.
I miss the IMUSE music system that changed the song according to the action of the game. The CD/MP3 audio on the later releases of Xwing and Tie Fighter just isn't the same.
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