Proud Dad Moment

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Staff member
Sammi was interviewed for her school newspaper. Each year they choose 4 students from the student body (about 2000 kids total) and spotlight them.

This year Sammi was one of the 4 chosen. Here's her interview. (I hope you can read it from the screen print.)

Very cool. She reminds me a lot of one of my college buddies. Everybody had her pegged as a Goth because of her wardrobe... but she was bubbly and disgustingly cheerful. ^_^

And she was picked on in middle school? I cannot imagine why anybody would want to do that to her.


Nice Dave, as someone who's gone through the first couple stages of getting a career at the FBI, let me know if you daughter has any questions.
And on a totally unrelated note, 16 is legal over here...

What, better to get it out of the way fast.


Staff member
Cool! Great article--she seems like a cool and confident young lady. And she's very beautiful. :)
I just read this post today, and saw the connection between V For Vendetta and the Fifth of November.
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