It's About That Time. Lesbaw Anyone?

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So yeah, it's been about what, 7-8 months since my split up? I lose track of the time and way too lazy to go looking up the old thread. That's not to say I've been single this whole time. I've had a few hook-ups here and there. Some were a month or two of dating, some were one night/two night stands. I haven't yet fallen in love but I have broken a couple of hearts. One to the point where I got alot of crying, a heartfelt sad letter in the bag of belongings I had left at her place, and more.

Which brings me to one of my points. This girl took me by surprise, some of you may remember her as the "nerdy cosplay cute" girl I met shortly after "Yoga Girl". Everything seemed lined up for success. I finally was in a position to date someone who "on paper" was perfect in every way. I'm sure you're waiting for the "but". As cute as she was, it just wasn't "there" for me physically/mentally. I was actually pretty pissed off about it because I finally found someone that I had "in my mind" been looking for. Yet, I couldn't even will myself to have feelings for her. It was disturbing and frustrating.

After sleeping together a few times, she considered us dating, and I will admit, I didn't dissuade her from that thought. Mostly because I wanted to continue seeing her to see if feelings would develop. That unfortunately, was not the case. After 2 months, I realized it wasn't going to happen. The damage had been done though. She was texting/calling me on a daily basis. Coming over at least 3x a week. Completely and totally infatuated. *sigh* I had to break it off.

I went over and told her that I couldn't see her anymore because I just didn't feel as strongly for her as she felt for me. Flat out. She didn't take it well. She cried and begged and sobbed and bargained. I let her get it all out and left. She continued texting/calling for 2 months and I didn't respond. However, I went through a sexual dry spell in that time, and to my own dismay, gave in to one of her texts.

I told her flat out that there was no chance at us getting back together again, but if she wanted to be FWB I was fine with that. She agreed that was fine and even though I knew better (she obviously wanted to use that as a ploy to try and get back togther emotionally) we began seeing each other again, for that reason alone. This went on another 2-3 months before I realized that I was better off just being alone. So I've now recently gone through the process of telling her that it's over in that department as well.

So what's the point of all this? I'm confused, lost, annoyed, frustrated and overall aggitated. I'm alone. I don't want to be. I'm tired of casual sex/meetings. I spent 7yrs with my ex, with constant casual sex during, and an entire relationship with nothing in common. I want someone who finally gets me. Someone who shares my interests. Someone I can be myself around and not have to play a role/wear a mask. I've tested my hand at online dating, though I wasn't as into it as I could have been I'll admit. I've tried going out to local clubs/bars, but it's never really been my "scene" so the people there are already off to the wrong foot for me.

At my worst points, I have horrible urges to text/call my ex after all this time, see if she's single, and willing to get back together. The thing that stops me everytime, is that I remember that even during our "best times", I was still never happy because I wasn't able to be me and I didn't feel for her the way I wanted to. So luckily I've never gone down that slippery slope, though it doesn't stop me from having the urges.

So here I sit. With text messages from people I'd rather not see. People who would just want a "quicky". People who I just don't have feelings for. All the while wishing I had that one person to go home to. That one person to call up in the middle of the night to rush over and just sleep with, sex or not. That one person who says they love me, and I know it's true because I've been honest with them from day one.

One a freaky note, my ex ex (the first girl I moved out of my home to be with and came out to my parents about) contacted me (she found out my ex and I had broken up) and asked me how I was doing. Curious to see if there was still a spark there, we both met up for drinks and dinner (she lives about 2hrs from where I'm at now). We got a bit drunk, talked about the past, she got pretty misty and admitted that leaving me was probably her biggest regret (which I got IMMENSE satisfaction from) and made out when I dropped her off. We talked about the possibility of making "things work again". Saw her again the next weekend, ended up getting a hotel room together, then didn't do anything because she wanted the chance of us getting back together to be based off emotions/mental and not just lust/physical attraction.

So I came back home, thought long and hard about the entire situation, and realized whatever feelings I may have had for her all those years ago, whithered and died when she left me. So I let her know that was the end of it, and we've remained "text friends" ever since.

For those not asleep/bored, I've read some of the dating situations that my fellow Half-ites have been through, so rest assured, you're not alone and I'm right there with some of you.

Element 117

I have a whole book full of advice/suggestions that I just burned, having going through a shitstorm of relationship trouble of my own this year. I hope things crystallize for you soon, in the opportunity department. I'd hug you, but I don't want to get stabbed.
I used to tell people that hey, things can only get better right, until once too often that was proven dead God damn wrong so, instead, I'll just wish you luck with things improving. For all of us.
my ex ex contacted me and asked me how I was doing. Curious to see if there was still a spark there, we both met up for drinks and dinner . We got a bit drunk, talked about the past, she got pretty misty and admitted that leaving me was probably her biggest regret (which I got IMMENSE satisfaction from) and made out when I dropped her off. We talked about the possibility of making "things work again". Saw her again the next weekend, ended up getting a hotel room together, then didn't do anything because she wanted the chance of us getting back together to be based off emotions/mental and not just lust/physical attraction.

So I came back home, thought long and hard about the entire situation, and realized whatever feelings I may have had for her all those years ago, whithered and died when she left me. So I let her know that was the end of it, and we've remained "text friends" ever since.
That's good - I recall that you had some unresolved what-if feelings for her when you were in doubt about your last long term relationship.

Good luck!
Interestingly enough, she texted me two days ago saying that since we decided not to make a relationship of it, we could still have FWB situations.

Yeah, not going down that route again...

On another interesting side note, living completely alone (finally moved out of my brother's place and into my own APT 2 months ago) has really allowed me to explore my deeper, darker emotions and desires in ways I've never had a chance to really revel in and experience in the past when I knew there were others around. It has been so unbinding.... to say the least..... >:D
Far be it from me to give actual advice on this, but maybe a good first step would be exploring what you want in a relationship for yourself, and even spend some time separating who you really are from who you and others may want you to be. I know that sounds very nebulous and stupid, but I know when I got jettisoned from a long-term relationship, it took me a while to really understand how much of myself was wrapped up in others' expectations, perceptions, and desires.


Staff member
I feel your pain, Shegs. How about we both have a shot of whisky over the corpses of our previous relationships?

Element 117

Shego vs NR in a no holds combat fight to the death. NR fights bare handed. Shego gets a few dozen knives. That's fair.
Piotyr: That actually did take me a while. I jumped into the relationship with "Yoga Girl" way too quick (about one month after my split up) and I realized that I was just jumping through the same old hoops I was before. From her it was about 3 more months before I met "Cosplay girl" and through her I realized that even though she was what I wanted in a relationship, I didn't have the feelings I wanted to for her. So in the back and forth of being alone/with someone, I've really come to understand that what I want, and what I feel for someone are very different depending on the person.

One thing I didn't mention, is that I have a heavy crush on this girl at work right now. I've always had a thing for shorter women, and she's 4 8/9''. I mean I have it HARD. Two problems. One: Getting into a relationship with her would practically be like getting with my ex all over again. We have very little in common and I'd probably have to hide alot about myself to her. Two: She's pregnant and even though we went out on a few dates together, when I asked her if things would going to go further than friendship, she made it clear that while she's pregnant she didn't feel comfortable being more than that. I tried to be understanding, thinking it was a blow-off, but she continued texting/calling/visiting me on an almost daily basis and we continue to go out together when the chance arises.

North_Ranger Wait, you're not talking about your previous recent relationship that was going on are you? You sounded pretty stoked about her.
As if I'd be foolish enough to let my numbers be recorded. >:D That would be like leaving a papertrail from an illegal financial account holding where I receive my contractual payments....


Staff member
Lesbian, straight, gay, transgendered....doesn't matter. We all want to find that one person that makes us happy and whom we can make happy in return. I was lucky enough to stumble on someone who would put up with my shit 17 years ago and - although there have been some rough patches - we're still here. Right before I met my wife I had given up with women, thinking that I was destined to be alone forever. My right hand and I had already made plans for common-law marriage.

Then, without expecting to, I met Kerri and the rest is history. The lesson? Don't start thinking you'll be alone forever. Don't get so far down that you drive people away with your low self-esteem. Learn to be alone. Go out with friends and have fun, not looking for someone to warm your bed. If it happens it happens. If not, you're still okay with it.

Stay strong and if you need to vent I know of a few hundred people willing to listen....


Staff member
North_Ranger Wait, you're not talking about your previous recent relationship that was going on are you? You sounded pretty stoked about her.
Yeah, I am :( She dumped me two weeks ago, after a long weekend in Helsinki visiting her friends (a nice and funny gay couple). Apparently I am a wonderful person, but she just wasn't in love with me anymore. Whoop-de-fuckin'-doo.
Dave: That's exactly the position I'm in right now. I'm perfectly happy with my current situation (though I still have urges to create another online profile and try that again) and just let time go by. I hang out alot with a group of friends from work and go out from time to time. I find myself considering that cute blonde at the end of the bar at times, yet don't pursue it due to knowing exactly what it'll lead to. That's not exactly the most conducive enviroment to find what I'm looking for. Thanks for the advice though, it's good to know home is still here. I would have never posted this if I didn't think so still.

Ranger: That's the exact reason I was left, both times. Unfortunately what it meant both times was that they wanted to explore other avenues, hence the "loss of love". That's not to say that was your case, just my own personal experiences.
Shego, sorry to hear things have been tough. Still, your making the first and often hardest step in finding love: Putting yourself out there. Yes, things could be better but at least your doing everything you can to FIND it. Some people can't even do that.

Shego vs NR in a no holds combat fight to the death. NR fights bare handed. Shego gets a few dozen knives. That's fair.
If North doesn't get a weapon, he should get to pick the location. Therefore, I propose the fight take place in a boiling hot Sauna.

Element 117

No, because that counts as a weapon. If he gets to choose a sauna, then Shego gets miniguns.



Shego: It is normal to feel like that when you were in a such a long relationship. I got lucky like Dave and met someone. You be surprise what you "think" you might be compatible with might not what you wanted. I have dated a couple of girls that I thought would be a "good match" boy.... was I ever wrong on that one.
Chibi: I came to realize that the hard way with "Cosplay Girl". Here was someone with a high sex drive, played WoW (casually), was into Anime, Conventions, gaming, and just all around great to be around. Yet I felt absolutely nothing toward her. It was unbelivable. Yet here's "Pregnant Girl" and I'm just ga-ga over her everytime we go out, and there are very few commonalities.

Go figure.

I do apologize, Shego. I got lucky enough to find someone who is seriously the best parts of every ex, all rolled into one person (plus her own charm)...not kidding. And I already know that when I go on about our relationship, it just makes other people unhappy/jealous/barf/etc, so that's as much as I'll go into that.

Computers, I understand pretty well. Women, I don't do so well with (not consistently, anyway). And trying to run a simulation, then, that involves interactions between two women? Serious data deficiency goin' on there, not sure how I'd make any kind of useful predictions.

I don't know you personally*, just what you've chosen to reveal on the forums. I certainly hope you find a person (or persons) who manages to tickle your hindbrain both from within and without, you sound like someone who deserves both...but I doubt I can be of any direct help, and for that I am sorry.



Chibi: I came to realize that the hard way with "Cosplay Girl". Here was someone with a high sex drive, played WoW (casually), was into Anime, Conventions, gaming, and just all around great to be around. Yet I felt absolutely nothing toward her. It was unbelivable. Yet here's "Pregnant Girl" and I'm just ga-ga over her everytime we go out, and there are very few commonalities.

Go figure.
Yea. You know the old saying "Opposites attracts" :) maybe that is true for you. You need a balance to your wild side like Yin and Yang.
You know Shegs, my wife and I have quite a few differences, maybe nothing quite as dramatic as you and your ex but I'm firmly into horror and darker shit, my music I listen to and play is harder and darker than she would normally like... but yet we make it work. She still supports me in everything I do and she trusts me even if she doesn't "get it" or even like it.

Maybe the reason you keep finding yourself going after people different from you is because thats really who you want to be with. Someone who brings different parts of life into yours. You just need someone who can accept you for who you are and not want to change you and vice versa.

Anyway, my 2 cents (and thats really all its worth), but I hope you find that person who drives you crazy and loves you for who you are even if they don't "get it" or like everything you do.
Well, Sheki, I hope you find someone you can feel for that you can grow into a stable, long term relationship with, that stokes your passion as well as your mind, as so many have said before.

Good luck.

How U doin' Shegs?

Honestly though, I had this huge post written up this afternoon but the boards ate my goddamn post and can't find the motivation to write it all again. Can't believe I forgot to CTRL+C. It was an epic post, you know, the kind you'd read it with a sideshow bob voice, alas vbulletin will continue to suck a dick. Thus I have resorted to failed hetero pickup attempt. Be entertained!

(though you should learn to post this stuff in my sub-forum :))
Sorry to hear how things are going for you Shego sadly I really don't know what else I can say that has not already been said so instead I shall post a few pics as an appeasement offering

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