You see,
this is what I was worried about with this whole "new, invasive screening" thing. I don't really care if someone sees an image of me nude on a screen because when I travel I wear as little clothing as possible (read: socks, slip on shoes, pajama bottoms, boxers, t-shirt, jacket) so that a) all I have to do is slip off my shoes and jacket before going through the scanners and b) Once I remove my shoes the only metal I'm wearing is the nickel-titanium retainer that's glued to my bottom teeth. And, while I would certainly be uncomfortable getting a pat down - I don't want some strange guy touching my junk - it wouldn't be the end of the world to me.
No, what I was worried about was what was going to be done to honest, upstanding American (or any nationality really) citizens who decided they didn't want to go through the scanners. If what this blog post says is true - and I haven't seen any other sources so for the time being I'm taking it with a grain of salt, then I certainly take offense to the fact that regardless of the fact that I am a decent, law-abiding American citizen; an Eagle Scout; someone who has never committed, been accused of, or been convicted of a crime more heinous than driving too fast; a tax-payer; a registered voter; etc, etc., I can be labeled as a "domestic extremist."
Does this mean that I'm going to be put on a no-fly list? Will I be selected for additional screening every time I fly? Will my name be put on a government watch-list, making it even harder for me to find a job, buy a house, get a loan, open a business, etc.? Because if so, then by all means, count me as an extremist - just let me know what options I have for taking full advantage of my new extremist label.