TSA forces cancer survivor to show prosthetic

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11 Reasons the TSA is NOT Making Us Safer, and Why It Needs to be Reformed NOW

9 10 and 11 is a bit far-fetched (as Chaz has stated about the radiation and such) but I do agree from 1 to 8 to an extent.
Whoa whoa whoa, don't put words in my mouth. I have no idea what the long term effects of those scanners for daily travelers could be.[/QUOTE]

Sorry :) That is the reason I put down a bit far-fetched. I don't think anyone knows the long term effect, if they did (i.e. cause cancer) I'm sure someone would have put a stop on putting these machines out. It would be an interesting headline "Giving American Cancer while protection its country" :)
You see, this is what I was worried about with this whole "new, invasive screening" thing. I don't really care if someone sees an image of me nude on a screen because when I travel I wear as little clothing as possible (read: socks, slip on shoes, pajama bottoms, boxers, t-shirt, jacket) so that a) all I have to do is slip off my shoes and jacket before going through the scanners and b) Once I remove my shoes the only metal I'm wearing is the nickel-titanium retainer that's glued to my bottom teeth. And, while I would certainly be uncomfortable getting a pat down - I don't want some strange guy touching my junk - it wouldn't be the end of the world to me.

No, what I was worried about was what was going to be done to honest, upstanding American (or any nationality really) citizens who decided they didn't want to go through the scanners. If what this blog post says is true - and I haven't seen any other sources so for the time being I'm taking it with a grain of salt, then I certainly take offense to the fact that regardless of the fact that I am a decent, law-abiding American citizen; an Eagle Scout; someone who has never committed, been accused of, or been convicted of a crime more heinous than driving too fast; a tax-payer; a registered voter; etc, etc., I can be labeled as a "domestic extremist."

Does this mean that I'm going to be put on a no-fly list? Will I be selected for additional screening every time I fly? Will my name be put on a government watch-list, making it even harder for me to find a job, buy a house, get a loan, open a business, etc.? Because if so, then by all means, count me as an extremist - just let me know what options I have for taking full advantage of my new extremist label.
You want to search me in lieu of a scan, go right ahead. Get a big ol' heaping helping of my junk, too. Just don't be shocked when I start making off-color comments about your technique and offering friendly suggestions about locations you might have missed.

Having worked security as well as police, I can sympathise with the TSA guys who are being handed a shit sandwich and being expected to serve it up to the public - I've never had a bad experience with an individual employee, as all have been courteous and professional in their dealings with me.

That being said, the organization is going to be in for a shit-storm of epic proportions, and soon.
You see, this is what I was worried about with this whole "new, invasive screening" thing. I don't really care if someone sees an image of me nude on a screen because when I travel I wear as little clothing as possible (read: socks, slip on shoes, pajama bottoms, boxers, t-shirt, jacket) so that a) all I have to do is slip off my shoes and jacket before going through the scanners and b) Once I remove my shoes the only metal I'm wearing is the nickel-titanium retainer that's glued to my bottom teeth. And, while I would certainly be uncomfortable getting a pat down - I don't want some strange guy touching my junk - it wouldn't be the end of the world to me.

No, what I was worried about was what was going to be done to honest, upstanding American (or any nationality really) citizens who decided they didn't want to go through the scanners. If what this blog post says is true - and I haven't seen any other sources so for the time being I'm taking it with a grain of salt, then I certainly take offense to the fact that regardless of the fact that I am a decent, law-abiding American citizen; an Eagle Scout; someone who has never committed, been accused of, or been convicted of a crime more heinous than driving too fast; a tax-payer; a registered voter; etc, etc., I can be labeled as a "domestic extremist."

Does this mean that I'm going to be put on a no-fly list? Will I be selected for additional screening every time I fly? Will my name be put on a government watch-list, making it even harder for me to find a job, buy a house, get a loan, open a business, etc.? Because if so, then by all means, count me as an extremist - just let me know what options I have for taking full advantage of my new extremist label.
The site you linked to (and I know you noted that it's the only source you've read and were reserving total judgment) is sort of a crazy conspiracy anti-government wingnut site. We're talking people who stockpile food for the coming collapse of the world, believe in the new world order, 9/11 was a government plot kind of weirdos. Basically I'm just saying maybe instead of grain, take it with a box of salt. :p
“any person, group or alternative media source” that actively objects to, causes others to object to, supports and/or elicits support for anyone who engages in such travel disruptions at U.S. airports in response to the enhanced security procedures.
So, complaining about it on a forum can also get you labeled as a domestic extremist? Yay, freedom of speech!
So be it. I guess I'm a domestic extremist.


Let's deprive him of kitties and lock him in a small room with a tv that shows nothing but the real housewives of wherever the fuck


Staff member
Let's deprive him of kitties and lock him in a small room with a tv that shows nothing but the real housewives of wherever the fuck
Eh, it's still better than having to watch Teletubbies. Marginally so, but still.

Now if you will excuse me, I have a pea soup bomb to finish...


Let's deprive him of kitties and lock him in a small room with a tv that shows nothing but the real housewives of wherever the fuck
Maybe alternate between that and shows about dogs.[/QUOTE]

I dunno, Dog Whisperer can be mighty entertaining.... for serious....[/QUOTE]

Baer loves dogs. I don't know how he feels about shows about dogs but the point of his statement was that Den is a dog hater. So for Den it would be horrible.
My Uncle forwarded me an idea about how to solve the whole bombs on planes issue:

All we need to do is develop a booth that you can step into that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have hidden on or in your body. The explosion will be contained within the sealed booth. This would be a win-win for everyone. There would be none of this crap about racial profiling and the device would eliminate long and expensive trials.

This is so simple that it's brilliant. I can see it now: you're in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system, "Attention standby passengers, we now have a seat available"


My Uncle forwarded me an idea about how to solve the whole bombs on planes issue:

All we need to do is develop a booth that you can step into that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have hidden on or in your body. The explosion will be contained within the sealed booth. This would be a win-win for everyone. There would be none of this crap about racial profiling and the device would eliminate long and expensive trials.

This is so simple that it's brilliant. I can see it now: you're in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion. Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system, "Attention standby passengers, we now have a seat available"
It is funny and make sense at the same time. I can't think of a reason why it won't work ;)

Sure people will claim human rights issue, but then these guys CARRY explosives.
I actually don't see anything wrong with that idea. We just need to make a device that can do something like that. TO THE LAB!!!


Instant justice. Even as a future lawyer who thrives on drawn out justice..... I likey.
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