Thanksgiving FUCK YEAH!

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Thanksgiving! Whoo!

It should be interesting this year. It was just going to be me at my parents' house, which is an abnormally small affair compared to most years. During the past week all sorts of family members have popped out of the woodwork and asked my parents if they could come too, so it's getting more complicated by the moment. We went from 3 to 8 people with possibly more on the way in less than a week. Start planning ahead, people!

Our usual dinner menu:
Green bean casserole
Mashed potatoes
Dinner rolls
Jello fruit salad
Cranberry sauce
Wine and sparkling apple cider
Homemade snack mixes
Chocolate, pumpkin, or custard pie
Oh Thanksgiving! The one time of year that I REALLY appreciate being half White and half Mexican. Not only do I get all the normal stuff (turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, pies, etc.), but I also get tamales, homemade refried beans, salsas, and enchiladas. Mmmmmmmmmm! :drool:
We have:

sausage stuffing (family recipe)
mashed sweet potatoes with caramelized apples
mashed regular potatoes
corn pudding
cranberry sauce
green beans
pumpkin pie
pumpkin cheesecake

Mmmmm, pumpkin cheesecake. I'm already drooling.
Having a small affair for myself and my wife, as well as my buddy and his wife. None of us can afford much, so it's kind of catch as catch can, this year. Turkey logs... ew. Ah well... thankful that I have a job and we all have our health.


I'm officially sad that this year I'm in Canada and not the US ....I really digged American thanksgiving so much so I refused to celebrate canadian thanksgiving....Holidays seem rough this year :( Hope you all enjoy ur thanksgiving though !
I love living in China, I get to hang out with the Canadians and have thanksgiving and then a month later I get to hang out with the Americans and celebrate thanksgiving.

Too bad my family isn't here.
See, this guy's got the right idea. It was kinda the same when I was living in England - we'd celebrate American holidays like Independance Day and Thanksgiving (which, if either one was a school day, Mom would take me out for the day. Loved it. *grins*), but we'd also do British holidays like Guy Fawkes night. Hell, we still do, for that matter! *grins*


Well if we can celebrate National Pancaked day I think it is pretty much open season on holidays.

Yet another thing I miss about teaching. It was always fun to celebrate holidays and learn cultural stuff.
I'mma be spending thanksgiving working on the 5 projects for the various classes I have, almost alone in the deserted campus. Thanksgiving dinner will be a turkey Hungry-Man while watching TV or something... Really shouldn't have converted 3 classes to honors >.<
Having a small affair for myself and my wife, as well as my buddy and his wife. None of us can afford much, so it's kind of catch as catch can, this year. Turkey logs... ew. Ah well... thankful that I have a job and we all have our health.
Whoa-ho! And affair with your buddy and his wife eh? You dog, you. :eyebrows:


Having a small affair for myself and my wife, as well as my buddy and his wife. None of us can afford much, so it's kind of catch as catch can, this year. Turkey logs... ew. Ah well... thankful that I have a job and we all have our health.
Whoa-ho! And affair with your buddy and his wife eh? You dog, you. :eyebrows:[/QUOTE]

Erm, seeing as how his wife is really possessive of him, to say nothing of being pregnant, and also ignoring the fact that my wife would have my balls for castanets were I to THINK about straying... Boku wa passu...


So what's this big thing about deep fried turkey? Is it really that tasty or is it just a "hell yeah i deep fried a turkey!"?


It's really that tasty
This. Through the deep-frying process, the juices and flavor of the turkey are sealed in quicker. Hence, you get one awesome bird to bite into.[/QUOTE]

Ah man, they're so good fried. I doubt I'll be getting one this year.

The best bird I've ever had is this weird wine basted one. I wish I could find the recipe.


I actually don't like turkey very much. I really just eat the neck. I like fried chicken though so I'm sure frying makes it yummy.

Joe Johnson

It's going to be my first Thanksgiving as a vegetarian. I am frightened. ;~;
Hey Crafter, you're doing it wrong.[/QUOTE]

I don't get that whole I'm vegetarian and therefore I suffer thing. If you like meat, then eat it![/QUOTE]

Plus, as odd as it sounds, Thanksgiving is a pretty vegetarian friendly holiday. At least for me, the turkey is a very small part of what I eat that day. In fact, it's one of the less exciting things on the plate. So, I'm not sure why it would be bad to not have turkey when you have mashed potatoes, cranberries, hot rolls, pie, corn, green been casserole, squash, yams/sweet potatoes, etc, etc, etc.


I actually don't like turkey very much. I really just eat the neck. I like fried chicken though so I'm sure frying makes it yummy.
Who the hell doesn't like fried chicken?

---------- Post added at 12:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 PM ----------

It's going to be my first Thanksgiving as a vegetarian. I am frightened. ;~;
Hey Crafter, you're doing it wrong.[/QUOTE]

I don't get that whole I'm vegetarian and therefore I suffer thing. If you like meat, then eat it![/QUOTE]

Plus, as odd as it sounds, Thanksgiving is a pretty vegetarian friendly holiday. At least for me, the turkey is a very small part of what I eat that day. In fact, it's one of the less exciting things on the plate. So, I'm not sure why it would be bad to not have turkey when you have mashed potatoes, cranberries, hot rolls, pie, corn, green been casserole, squash, yams/sweet potatoes, etc, etc, etc.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, now that I think about it, Turkey is really the only traditional meat served at Thanksgiving. Everything else is delicious side dishes.
Vegewhatian? What the heck is that? I can't wrap my head around that.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go eat some cooked cow.
Imagine your head is bacon. And the concept of vegetarianism is a shrimp. Wrap the bacon around the shrimp. Stab the heavenly bacon-wrapped shrimp with a stick, making a tasty shrimp brochette. Imagine, if you will, such a succulent delight grilling on outside over hickory coals.

Vegetarianism is just like that, but without any bacon or shrimp. But you do get the stick. The whole thought leaves me depressed.[/QUOTE]


You made my morning when I read that
I actually don't like turkey very much. I really just eat the neck. I like fried chicken though so I'm sure frying makes it yummy.
Who the hell doesn't like fried chicken?[/QUOTE]

Where did she say she doesn't like fried chicken?[/QUOTE]

Where did he say that she did not like Fried Chicken?[/QUOTE]

Because Chaz quoted her post leading one to believe he was referring to her.

That's the point, he's saying it's akin to having a distaste for breathing air.
Ah, I see.
Vegewhatian? What the heck is that? I can't wrap my head around that.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go eat some cooked cow.
Imagine your head is bacon. And the concept of vegetarianism is a shrimp. Wrap the bacon around the shrimp. Stab the heavenly bacon-wrapped shrimp with a stick, making a tasty shrimp brochette. Imagine, if you will, such a succulent delight grilling on outside over hickory coals.

Vegetarianism is just like that, but without any bacon or shrimp. But you do get the stick. The whole thought leaves me depressed.[/QUOTE]



I'm officially sad that this year I'm in Canada and not the US ....I really digged American thanksgiving so much so I refused to celebrate canadian thanksgiving....Holidays seem rough this year :( Hope you all enjoy ur thanksgiving though !
I know exactly what you mean. My ex (mother of my kids) is visiting for Thanksgiving, since the kids live with me and she doesn't really have a place to host the meal. This is also the first Thanksgiving I'm spending single since I was 15, so that's pretty much a double whammy of worst Thanksgiving ever.
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